Associations to the word «Collimator»


COLLIMATOR, noun. (physics) An optical device that generates a parallel beam of light. Often used to compensate for laser beam divergence.
COLLIMATOR, noun. (physics) A similar device that produces a parallel beam of particles such as neutrons.
COLLIMATOR, noun. (astronomy) A small telescope attached to a larger one, used to point it in the correct general direction

Dictionary definition

COLLIMATOR, noun. A small telescope attached to a large telescope to use in setting the line of the larger one.
COLLIMATOR, noun. Optical device consisting of a tube containing a convex achromatic lens at one end and a slit at the other with the slit at the focus of the lens; light rays leave the slit as a parallel beam.

Wise words

A word carries far, very far, deals destruction through time as the bullets go flying through space.
Joseph Conrad