Associations to the word «Surface»
- Asphalt
- Adsorption
- Gravel
- Submarine
- Diver
- Depth
- Displacement
- Buoy
- Adhesion
- Curvature
- Evaporation
- Coating
- Groundwater
- Droplet
- Magma
- Weathering
- Electrode
- Runway
- Antigen
- Silica
- Microscopy
- Layer
- Pore
- Corrosion
- Friction
- Spectroscopy
- Wafer
- Raman
- Lander
- Topography
- Scattering
- Convection
- Substrate
- Crust
- Tubing
- Texture
- Deformation
- Polymer
- Erosion
- Flux
- Oxide
- Ripple
- Bonding
- Dived
- Thickness
- Vapor
- Conductivity
- Liquid
- Molecule
- Deposition
- Particle
- Contaminant
- Fissure
- Etching
- Diffraction
- Scanning
- Tension
- Bubble
- Diffusion
- Membrane
- Solid
- Radius
- Electrolyte
- Dipole
SURFACE, noun. The overside or up-side of a flat object such as a table, or of a liquid.
SURFACE, noun. The outside hull of a tangible object.
SURFACE, noun. (figurative) Outward or external appearance.
SURFACE, noun. (mathematics) (geometry) The locus of an equation (especially one with exactly two degrees of freedom) in a more-than-two-dimensional space.
SURFACE, noun. (fortification) That part of the side which is terminated by the flank prolonged, and the angle of the nearest bastion.
SURFACE, verb. (transitive) To provide something with a surface.
SURFACE, verb. (transitive) To apply a surface to something.
SURFACE, verb. (intransitive) To rise to the surface.
SURFACE, verb. (intransitive) To come out of hiding.
SURFACE, verb. (intransitive) For information or facts to become known.
SURFACE, verb. (intransitive) To work a mine near the surface.
SURFACE, verb. (intransitive) To appear or be found.
SURFACE AREA, noun. The total area on the surface of a three-dimensional figure.
SURFACE AREA, noun. (computing) The total resources of a system that are available to the outside world and thus might be attacked.
SURFACE AREAS, noun. Plural of surface area
SURFACE BOUNDARY LAYER, noun. (meteorology) The portion of the atmosphere lying next to the surface of the earth and extending up to between 50 and 100 meters.
SURFACE BOUNDARY LAYERS, noun. Plural of surface boundary layer
SURFACE CAR, noun. (dated) A streetcar (tram, trolley).
SURFACE CARS, noun. Plural of surface car
SURFACE CLUTTER, noun. (engineering) Unwanted radar or sonar wave reflection arising from the land or sea surface.
SURFACE ENERGY, noun. Interfacial energy
SURFACE FINISH, noun. (engineering) The quality of a surface, in terms of its roughness, microscopic pattern (lay) and macroscopic pattern (waviness).
SURFACE FINISHES, noun. Plural of surface finish
SURFACE LAYER, noun. (physics) The layer of molecules at the surface of a liquid that is responsible for surface tension
SURFACE LAYER, noun. (ecology) The layer of surface water that forms a boundary between sea and air
SURFACE MAIL, noun. Mail which is transported by motor vehicle, by railway, or by seacraft, but not by aircraft.
SURFACE NORMAL, noun. (differential geometry) A unit vector at any given point P of a surface M which is perpendicular to the tangent plane TP(M) of M at P. For a surface with parametrization \( \vec x(u,v) \), it is given by
SURFACE OF REVOLUTION, noun. (mathematics) A surface formed when a given curve is revolved around a given axis. If the resulting surface is a closed one, it also defines a solid of revolution.
SURFACE PLASMON, noun. (physics) A quantized electromagnetic wave trapped at a metallic surface through interaction with the free electrons of the metal.
SURFACE PLASMONS, noun. Plural of surface plasmon
SURFACE QUALITY, noun. A numerical description of the flatness or roughness of a surface, especially an optical or machined surface
SURFACE RUNOFF, noun. Overland flow of excess water (with or without accumulated contaminants) that cannot be absorbed by the ground as infiltration.
SURFACE SHIP, noun. A military (naval) vessel designed for operation on the marine surface, as distinguished from a submarine or other types of vessels.
SURFACE STREET, noun. A street that is not a freeway and has at-grade intersections with other surface streets.
SURFACE TENSION, noun. (physics) the effect on the surface of a liquid that makes it behave as a stretched elastic membrane; it is caused by unbalanced intermolecular forces
SURFACE TENSION, noun. (physics) a measure of this effect
SURFACE WATER, noun. Water collecting on the ground or in a stream, river, lake, sea or ocean, as opposed to groundwater.
SURFACE WEB, proper noun. (computing) (Internet) the portion of the World Wide Web that is indexed by conventional search engines.
Dictionary definition
SURFACE, noun. The outer boundary of an artifact or a material layer constituting or resembling such a boundary; "there is a special cleaner for these surfaces"; "the cloth had a pattern of red dots on a white surface".
SURFACE, noun. The extended two-dimensional outer boundary of a three-dimensional object; "they skimmed over the surface of the water"; "a brush small enough to clean every dental surface"; "the sun has no distinct surface".
SURFACE, noun. The outermost level of the land or sea; "earthquakes originate far below the surface"; "three quarters of the Earth's surface is covered by water".
SURFACE, noun. A superficial aspect as opposed to the real nature of something; "it was not what it appeared to be on the surface".
SURFACE, noun. Information that has become public; "all the reports were out in the open"; "the facts had been brought to the surface".
SURFACE, noun. A device that provides reactive force when in motion relative to the surrounding air; can lift or control a plane in flight.
SURFACE, verb. Come to the surface.
SURFACE, verb. Put a coat on; cover the surface of; furnish with a surface; "coat the cake with chocolate".
SURFACE, verb. Appear or become visible; make a showing; "She turned up at the funeral"; "I hope the list key is going to surface again".
SURFACE, adjective. On the surface; "surface materials of the moon".
Wise words
Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings