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Associations to the word «Flux»


FLUX, noun. The act of flowing; a continuous moving on or passing by, as of a flowing stream.
FLUX, noun. A state of ongoing change.
FLUX, noun. A chemical agent for cleaning metal prior to soldering or welding.
FLUX, noun. (physics) The rate of transfer of energy (or another physical quantity) through a given surface, specifically electric flux, magnetic flux.
FLUX, noun. (archaic) A disease which causes diarrhea, especially dysentery.
FLUX, noun. (archaic) diarrhea or other fluid discharge from the body
FLUX, noun. The state of being liquid through heat; fusion.
FLUX, verb. To use flux.
FLUX, verb. To melt.
FLUX, verb. To flow as a liquid.
FLUX, adjective. (uncommon) Flowing; unstable; inconstant; variable.
FLUX CAPACITOR, noun. (science fiction) A Y-shaped electronic device that is essential to time travel.
FLUX CAPACITORS, noun. Plural of flux capacitor
FLUX DENSITY, noun. (physics) A measure of rate of flow of a fluid, particles or energy per unit area
FLUX UNIT, noun. (astronomy) The (otherwise unnamed) unit of density of electromagnetic radiation from a radio star, equal to 10-26 watts per square meter per hertz

Dictionary definition

FLUX, noun. The rate of flow of energy or particles across a given surface.
FLUX, noun. A flow or discharge.
FLUX, noun. A substance added to molten metals to bond with impurities that can then be readily removed.
FLUX, noun. Excessive discharge of liquid from a cavity or organ (as in watery diarrhea).
FLUX, noun. A state of uncertainty about what should be done (usually following some important event) preceding the establishment of a new direction of action; "the flux following the death of the emperor".
FLUX, noun. The lines of force surrounding a permanent magnet or a moving charged particle.
FLUX, noun. (physics) the number of changes in energy flow across a given surface per unit area.
FLUX, noun. In constant change; "his opinions are in flux"; "the newness and flux of the computer industry".
FLUX, verb. Move or progress freely as if in a stream; "The crowd flowed out of the stadium".
FLUX, verb. Become liquid or fluid when heated; "the frozen fat liquefied".
FLUX, verb. Mix together different elements; "The colors blend well".

Wise words

More wisdom is latent in things as they are than in all the words men use.
Antoine De Saint-Exupery