Associations to the word «Darcy»
- Austen
- Aidan
- Jude
- Lori
- Firth
- Lever
- Prejudice
- Clarke
- Trask
- Gallagher
- Conductivity
- Bridget
- Friction
- Lydia
- Kieran
- Sandra
- Elizabeth
- Baroness
- Barony
- Burner
- Viscosity
- Trevor
- Flux
- Tess
- Shawn
- Wellesley
- Kildare
- Serena
- Groundwater
- Equation
- Proper
- Gradient
- Garrett
- Baron
- Emma
- Tucker
- Deane
- Lizzie
- Randall
- Hertfordshire
- Pride
- Crossbow
- Jane
- Frey
- Dee
- Derbyshire
- Chloe
- Aston
- Isa
- Toole
- Galway
- Infiltration
- Penny
- Amanda
- Pore
- Bolton
- Mcguire
- Colchester
- Earl
- Cowan
- Harry
- Catherine
- Luke
- Willoughby
- Velocity
- Mastering
- Flow
- Ashley
- Fidelity
- Len
- Hq
- Amelia
- Dame
- Judy
- Gardiner
- Tyler
- Fielding
- Jewelry
- Scorpion
- Thud
- Politeness
- Fourier
- Goaltender
- Katherine
- Comanche
- Mick
- Shrug
DARCY, proper noun. A Norman baronial surname from a place d'Arcy in Northern France.
DARCY, proper noun. A male given name, transferred from the surname.
DARCY, proper noun. A female given name of mostly American usage since the mid-twentieth century.
DARCY, noun. A (non SI) unit of area used in measuring the permeability of porous solids such as powders.
DARCY FRICTION FACTOR, noun. (fluid mechanics) A dimensionless friction factor relating the head loss over a pipe to the lengthscale of the pipe and the fluid velocity.
DARCY FRICTION FACTORS, noun. Plural of Darcy friction factor
Wise words
Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite
surprised to be taken at his word.