Associations to the word «Darcy»
- Austen
- Aidan
- Jude
- Lori
- Firth
- Lever
- Prejudice
- Clarke
- Trask
- Gallagher
- Conductivity
- Bridget
- Friction
- Lydia
- Kieran
- Sandra
- Elizabeth
- Baroness
- Barony
- Burner
- Viscosity
- Trevor
- Flux
- Tess
- Shawn
- Wellesley
- Kildare
- Serena
- Groundwater
- Equation
- Proper
- Gradient
- Garrett
- Baron
- Emma
- Tucker
- Deane
- Lizzie
- Randall
- Hertfordshire
- Pride
- Crossbow
- Jane
- Frey
- Dee
- Derbyshire
- Chloe
- Aston
- Isa
- Toole
- Galway
- Infiltration
- Penny
- Amanda
- Pore
- Bolton
- Mcguire
- Colchester
- Earl
- Cowan
- Harry
- Catherine
- Luke
- Willoughby
- Velocity
- Mastering
- Flow
- Ashley
- Fidelity
- Len
- Hq
- Amelia
- Dame
- Judy
- Gardiner
- Tyler
- Fielding
- Jewelry
- Scorpion
- Thud
- Politeness
- Fourier
- Goaltender
- Katherine
- Comanche
- Mick
- Shrug
DARCY, proper noun. A Norman baronial surname from a place d'Arcy in Northern France.
DARCY, proper noun. A male given name, transferred from the surname.
DARCY, proper noun. A female given name of mostly American usage since the mid-twentieth century.
DARCY, noun. A (non SI) unit of area used in measuring the permeability of porous solids such as powders.
DARCY FRICTION FACTOR, noun. (fluid mechanics) A dimensionless friction factor relating the head loss over a pipe to the lengthscale of the pipe and the fluid velocity.
DARCY FRICTION FACTORS, noun. Plural of Darcy friction factor
Wise words
Four things come not back. The spoken word, the sped arrow,
the past life, ad the neglected opportunity.