Associations to the word «Catherine»
- Medici
- Siena
- Aragon
- Zeta
- Empress
- Sinai
- Navarre
- Frances
- Married
- Tate
- Middleton
- Ashton
- Hara
- Viii
- Duchess
- Alexandria
- Heiress
- Dowry
- Crook
- Sigismund
- Dowager
- Guise
- Tsar
- Cathy
- Isabella
- Isabelle
- Jeanne
- Great
- Consort
- Seymour
- Marguerite
- Voltaire
- Spence
- Anne
- Granddaughter
- Sprague
- Dominique
- Countess
- Hicks
- Anhalt
- Hermitage
- Louisa
- Genoa
- Daughter
- Caves
- Cavendish
- Elisabeth
- Anjou
- Dickens
- Doherty
- Madeleine
- Elizabeth
- Caroline
- Niece
- Bertram
- Mary
- Serf
- Ripper
- Abbess
- Marie
- Nellie
- Eldest
- Drinker
- Mckenna
- Baroness
- Henry
- Crimea
- Christophe
- Willoughby
- Katherine
- Jamaica
- Bourbon
- Darcy
- Agnes
- Stepmother
- Russia
- Staple
- Austen
- Margaret
- Saint
- Bridget
- Cecilia
- Henrietta
- Dorothea
- Queen
- Lorraine
- Eleanor
- Francois
- Castile
- Widow
- Magdalene
- Duc
CATHERINE, proper noun. A female given name.
CATHERINE WHEEL, noun. A breaking wheel.
CATHERINE WHEEL, noun. (chiefly heraldry) The image of a breaking wheel, or wheel with spikes on it.
CATHERINE WHEEL, noun. A firework that rotates when lit.
CATHERINE WHEEL, noun. (gymnastics) A cartwheel move.
CATHERINE WHEEL, noun. (architecture) A rose window.
CATHERINE WHEELS, noun. Plural of Catherine wheel
Dictionary definition
CATHERINE, noun. First wife of Henry VIII; Henry VIII's divorce from her was the initial step of the Reformation in England (1485-1536).
CATHERINE, noun. Empress of Russia who greatly increased the territory of the empire (1729-1796).
Wise words
Actions speak louder than words.