Associations to the word «Great»
- Britain
- Yarmouth
- Grandson
- Granddaughter
- Grandfather
- Grandchild
- Herod
- Pompey
- Barrington
- Grandmother
- Greatness
- Magnificence
- Posterity
- Conqueror
- Baronetage
- Christendom
- Statesman
- Personage
- Baronetcy
- Maha
- Sancho
- Peerage
- Grandparent
- Moravia
- Euphrates
- Constantine
- Casimir
- Cyrus
- Darius
- Alexander
- Wessex
- Kangaroo
- Prussia
- Sioux
- Dane
- Tsar
- Czar
- Gregory
- Catherine
- Frederick
- Ireland
- Grimsby
- Nephew
- Basil
- Depression
- Niece
- Akbar
- Deal
- Charlemagne
- Persia
- Hanover
- Pomp
- Novgorod
- Oriental
- Ptolemy
- Rapidity
- Burgh
- Voltaire
- Macedonian
- Empress
- Rejoicing
- Marlborough
- Solemnity
- Alfred
- Gator
- Sufi
- Governorate
- Rishi
- Babylon
- Earnestness
- Purge
- Kingdom
- Marquess
- Uncle
- Walpole
- Merry
- Descendant
- Ign
- Commoner
- Coloni
- Admirer
- Jacobite
GREAT, adjective. Very big, large scale.
GREAT, adjective. Very good.
GREAT, adjective. Important.
GREAT, adjective. Title referring to an important leader.
GREAT, adjective. Superior; admirable; commanding; applied to thoughts, actions, and feelings.
GREAT, adjective. Endowed with extraordinary powers; uncommonly gifted; able to accomplish vast results; strong; powerful; mighty; noble.
GREAT, adjective. (obsolete) Pregnant; large with young.
GREAT, adjective. More than ordinary in degree; very considerable.
GREAT, adjective. [qualifying nouns of family relationship] Involving more generations than the word qualified implies. [see Derived terms]
GREAT, adjective. (obsolete, except with 'friend' and similar words such as 'mate','buddy') Intimate; familiar.
GREAT, interjection. Expression of gladness and content about something.
GREAT, interjection. Sarcastic inversion thereof.
GREAT, noun. A person of major significance, accomplishment or acclaim.
GREAT, noun. (typographically plural, grammatically singular proper noun) A course of academic study devoted to the works of such persons and also known as Literae Humaniores; the "Greats" name has official status with respect to Oxford University's program and is widely used as a colloquialism in reference to similar programs elsewhere.
GREAT, noun. (music) The main division in a pipe organ, usually the loudest division.
GREAT, adverb. Very well (in a very satisfactory manner)
GREAT AMERICAN SONGBOOK, proper noun. The most important and most influential American popular songs of the 20th century, considered as a collection
GREAT ANTSHRIKE, noun. A passerine bird of the antbird family, Taraba major, Thamnophilus major
GREAT ANTSHRIKES, noun. Plural of great antshrike
GREAT APE, noun. An ape of the family Hominidae, having a mostly hairless face, hands with complex fingerprints, and flat fingernails. Includes chimpanzees and gorillas (subfamily Homininae), and orangutans (subfamily Ponginae). Usage may vary to either include or exclude humans (members of Homininae subfamily).
GREAT APES, noun. Plural of great ape
GREAT APOSTASY, proper noun. (Christianity) The supposed fallen state of traditional Christianity, especially the Roman Catholic Church, as a result of tolerating the Greco-Roman mysteries and deities of solar monism.
GREAT AUK, noun. A large auk, Pinguinus impennis.
GREAT AUNT, noun. Alternative form of great-aunt
GREAT BARRIER REEF, proper noun. A massive system of coral reefs, found in the Coral Sea off the coast of Australia.
GREAT BASIN, proper noun. A large arid area of western United States of America.
GREAT BASIN SAGEBRUSH, noun. A woody, pungently-aromatic low shrub, Artemisia tridentata, very common in the Great Basin and other arid regions of western North America.
GREAT BASIN SAGEBRUSHES, noun. Plural of Great Basin sagebrush
GREAT BEAR, proper noun. (constellation): A bright circumpolar asterism of the northern sky, said to resemble a large bear. It is part of the constellation Ursa Major and includes the stars Mizar, Dubhe, and Alkaid.
GREAT BEYOND, noun. (idiomatic) the afterlife
GREAT BIG, adjective. (informal) very big; huge
GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL, noun. A large European and American gull, Larus marinus.
GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULLS, noun. Plural of great black-backed gull
GREAT BLUE HERON, noun. A large wading bird of the species Ardea herodias.
GREAT BLUE HERONS, noun. Plural of great blue heron
GREAT BLUE LOBELIA, noun. Lobelia siphilitica, native to almost all of eastern and central North America.
GREAT BRITAIN, proper noun. The island (and sometimes including some of the surrounding smaller islands) off the north-west coast of Europe made up of England, Scotland, and Wales. Abbreviation: GB.
GREAT BRITAIN, proper noun. (historical or loosely) The United Kingdom.
GREAT BRITAIN, proper noun. (historical) Official name of the Kingdom of Great Britain (1707-1801)
GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, proper noun. Used other than as an idiom: see Great Britain, Ireland.: two islands off the north-west coast of the European mainland.
GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, proper noun. Shortened form of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (1801–1921) Abbreviation: GBI.
GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND, proper noun. Shortened form of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (1922-Present) Abbreviation: GBNI.
GREAT BUSTARD, noun. A bird of the species Otis tarda, native to Iberia, but found at least seasonally in many parts of Eurasia.
GREAT CASSINO, noun. (card games) The ten of diamonds in the game of cassino.
GREAT CIRCLE, noun. (geometry) A circle defined as the intersection of the surface of a sphere and a plane which passes through the centre of the sphere.
GREAT CIRCLE, noun. A segment of such circle representing the shortest distance between two points on the surface of a sphere.
GREAT CIRCLE ROUTE, noun. A route, taken by intercontinental aircraft for instance, which is the shortest distance between two destinations on the surface of the Earth; an arc of a great circle.
GREAT CIRCLE ROUTES, noun. Plural of great circle route
GREAT CIRCLES, noun. Plural of great circle
GREAT CLOCK, noun. Any clock with a diameter of one-hundred feet.
GREAT COMMISSION, proper noun. (Christianity) The instruction of the resurrected Jesus Christ to his disciples that they spread his teachings to all the nations of the world.
GREAT CORMORANT, noun. A seabird of the species Phalacrocorax carbo.
GREAT CREST, noun. (UK) (informal) (rare) (birdwatching) the great crested grebe.
GREAT CRESTED GREBE, noun. A freshwater bird of Europe and Asia, Podiceps cristatus.
GREAT CRESTED GREBES, noun. Plural of great crested grebe
GREAT CRESTED NEWT, noun. A newt, Triturus cristatus, found in parts of Europe and Asia.
GREAT CRESTED NEWTS, noun. Plural of great crested newt
GREAT DANE, noun. A mastiff known for its great size, bred in Germany to hunt boar and large game.
GREAT DANES, noun. Plural of Great Dane
GREAT DEAL, noun. (idiomatic) A large number or amount.
GREAT DEPRESSION, proper noun. (economics) (business) (finance) A major economic collapse characterized by mass unemployment and limited business activity that lasted from 1929 to 1940 in the US and a similar period in many other countries.
GREAT EGRET, noun. The great egret, Ardea alba, of the egret family Ardeidae
GREAT EGRETS, noun. Plural of great egret
GREAT FALLS, proper noun. One of some waterfalls in North America
GREAT FALLS, proper noun. A city in Montana
GREAT FALLS, proper noun. A town in South Carolina
GREAT FALLS, proper noun. A CDP in Virginia
GREAT FIREWALL OF CHINA, proper noun. (originally jocular) (pejorative) Government censorship of the Internet in the People's Republic of China.
GREAT GALACTIC GHOUL, proper noun. (humorous) A notional space monster invoked to explain the high failure rate of probes sent to Mars.
GREAT GO, noun. (UK) (slang) (universities) (dated) The final examination for a degree.
GREAT GRANDCHILD, noun. Alternative spelling of great-grandchild
GREAT GRANDCHILDREN, noun. Plural of great grandchild (alternative spelling of great-grandchildren).
GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER, noun. Alternative spelling of great-granddaughter
GREAT GRANDDAUGHTERS, noun. Plural of great granddaughter (alternative spelling of great-granddaughters).
GREAT GRANDFATHER, noun. Alternative spelling of great-grandfather
GREAT GRANDFATHERS, noun. Plural of great grandfather (alternative spelling of great-grandfathers).
GREAT GRANDKID, noun. Alternative spelling of great-grandkid
GREAT GRANDKIDS, noun. Plural of great grandkid (alternative spelling of great-grandkids).
GREAT GRANDMASTER, noun. Alternative spelling of Grandmaster
GREAT GRANDMASTER, noun. A grandmaster in a field, whose skills or accomplishments exceed those of other grandmasters.
GREAT GRANDMOTHER, noun. Alternative spelling of great-grandmother
GREAT GRANDMOTHERS, noun. Plural of great grandmother (alternative spelling of great-grandmothers).
GREAT GRANDPARENT, noun. Alternative spelling of great-grandparent
GREAT GRANDPARENTS, noun. Plural of great grandparent (alternative spelling of great-grandparents).
GREAT GRANDSON, noun. Alternative spelling of great-grandson
GREAT GRANDSONS, noun. Plural of great grandson (alternative spelling of great-grandsons).
GREAT GREAT GRANDCHILD, noun. Alternative spelling of great-great-grandchild
GREAT GREAT GRANDCHILDREN, noun. Plural of great great grandchild (alternative spelling of great-great-grandchildren).
GREAT GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER, noun. Alternative spelling of great-granddaughter
GREAT GREAT GRANDDAUGHTERS, noun. Plural of great great granddaughter (alternative spelling of great-great-granddaughters).
GREAT GREAT GRANDFATHER, noun. Alternative spelling of great-great-grandfather
GREAT GREAT GRANDFATHERS, noun. Plural of great great grandfather (alternative spelling of great-great-grandfathers).
GREAT GREAT GRANDMOTHER, noun. Alternative spelling of great-great-grandmother
GREAT GREAT GRANDMOTHERS, noun. Plural of great great grandmother (alternative spelling of great-great-grandmothers).
GREAT GREAT GRANDPARENT, noun. Alternative spelling of great-great-grandparent
GREAT GREAT GRANDPARENTS, noun. Plural of great great grandparent (alternative spelling of great-great-grandparents).
GREAT GREAT GRANDSON, noun. Alternative spelling of great-grandson
GREAT GREAT GRANDSONS, noun. Plural of great great grandson (alternative spelling of great-great-grandsons).
GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDFATHER, noun. The grandfather of one's grandparent.
GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDFATHERS, noun. Plural of great great great grandfather
GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDMOTHER, noun. The grandmother of one's grandparent.
GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDMOTHERS, noun. Plural of great great great grandmother
GREAT GREEN MACAW, noun. An endangered parrot, Ara ambiguus, found in Central America.
GREAT GREEN MACAWS, noun. Plural of great green macaw
GREAT GREY OWL, noun. Strix nebulosa, a very large owl.
GREAT GREY SHRIKE, noun. Lanius excubitor, a species of shrike.
GREAT GREY SHRIKES, noun. Plural of great grey shrike
GREAT GROSS, noun. Number 1728 (12 x 12 x 12), (historical).
GREAT GUN, noun. (military) Obsolete form of big gun.
GREAT GUN, noun. (figurative) A person who is superior in any way.
GREAT HALL, noun. (history) (architecture) The main room of a palace, castle or large manor house in the Middle Ages, or in a country house of the 16th and early 17th centuries
GREAT HALL, noun. (history) (architecture) The principal building of a manor or castle compound
GREAT HALLS, noun. Plural of great hall
GREAT HORNED OWL, noun. A large owl, Bubo virginianus, resident in North America, having tufts on its ears.
GREAT HORSETAIL, noun. A plant in the taxonomic genus Equisetum (horsetails); Equisetum telmateia.
GREAT HORSETAILS, noun. Plural of great horsetail
GREAT HOUSE, noun. (historical) A large complex with many rooms built for worship by the Anasazi.
GREAT HUNDRED, noun. (historical) (northern England) (Scotland) A long hundred: one hundred and twenty (120)
GREAT HUNDREDS, noun. Plural of great hundred
GREAT ICOSIHEMIDODECAHEDRON, noun. A polyhedron having 26 faces, 30 vertices, 60 edges, 6 self intersected faces and 6 nonconvex faces
GREAT LAKE, noun. One of the large lakes in North America or East Africa.
GREAT LAKES, proper noun. A group of five lakes on the United States-Canada border, consisting of Lake Superior, Lake Michigan and Lake Huron (Lake Michigan–Huron), Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.
GREAT LAKES, proper noun. A group of lakes located in and around the East African Rift, including Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Malawi, and several others.
GREAT LAKES STATE, proper noun. A nickname of Michigan
GREAT LAUREL, noun. Rhododendron maximum, a species of rhododendron native to eastern North America.
GREAT LEAP FORWARD, noun. A vast economic and social plan lasting from 1958 to 1961 which aimed to use the Chinese population to rapidly transform the People's Republic of China from a primarily agrarian economy by peasant farmers into a modern communist society through agriculturalization and industrialization.
GREAT LEAP FORWARD, noun. The theory that humans were behaviorally primitive until a certain point in their evolution, at which point complex tools, weapons, sculptures, etc. began to appear.
GREAT LENT, proper noun. (Christianity) in Eastern Christianity, the period of fasting before Pascha
GREAT NEBULA IN ANDROMEDA, proper noun. (astronomy) (obsolete) a great nebula, white nebula, and spiral nebula in the constellation of Andromeda, now known to be the Andromeda Galaxy, a spiral galaxy
GREAT NORTH ROAD, proper noun. (British) The A1 (partially the A1(M)) road from London to Edinburgh
GREAT NORTHERN DIVER, noun. (UK) (Ireland) A large member of the diver family, Gavia immer, commonly breeding in North America, where it is known as the as common loon.
GREAT NORTHERN DIVERS, noun. Plural of great northern diver
GREAT NORTHERN LOON, noun. A loon of the species Gavia immer.
GREAT NORTHERN LOONS, noun. Plural of great northern loon
GREAT NORTHERN PRAWN, noun. A species of shrimp found in cold parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Pandalus borealis.
GREAT NORTHERN PRAWNS, noun. Plural of great northern prawn
GREAT OCTAVE, noun. (music) The common name for the octave that begins on the C that is two ledger lines below the staff of the bass clef
GREAT OCTAVES, noun. Plural of great octave
GREAT PEACE OF MONTREAL, proper noun. A binding agreement between New France and forty First Nations signed in 1701 that ended the Beaver Wars.
GREAT PLAINS, proper noun. The relatively flat region of North American grasslands east of the Rocky Mountains, from Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba in the north, to Texas in the south.
GREAT POWER, noun. A state that has the ability to exert its influence on a global scale.
GREAT POWERS, noun. Plural of great power
GREAT POX, noun. Alternative form of great-pox
GREAT POX, noun. Alternative form of great-pox
GREAT PRIMER, noun. (printing) (historical) The size of type between English and paragon, standardized as 18-point, used in the printing of large-format English bibles.
GREAT PYRAMID AT GIZA, proper noun. Alternative form of Great Pyramid of Giza
GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA, proper noun. The largest and most famous of the Egyptian pyramids, and the only remaining member of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
GREAT PYRENEES, noun. (US) A large breed of dog originating in France and often used to guard livestock.
GREAT RAMSHORN, noun. Planorbarius corneus, a freshwater air-breathing snail
GREAT RECESSION, proper noun. The world-wide general economic decline towards the end of the first decade of the 21st century.
GREAT RED SPOT, proper noun. A giant anticyclonic storm on the planet Jupiter; first observed about 1665
GREAT RITE, noun. In Wicca, ritualistic sexual intercourse symbolizing creation. The Great Rite can also be performed symbolically: the high priest plunges the athame, or ritual knife (the male symbol), into a cup or chalice (the female symbol) that is filled with wine and is held by the high priestess.
GREAT ROOM, noun. In many modern homes, the room that replaces the living room.
GREAT RUSSIA, proper noun. (historical) (obsolete) name formerly applied to the territories of "Russia proper", the land that formed the core of Muscovy and, later, Russia.
GREAT RUSSIAN, proper noun. (obsolete) the Russian language, when considered to be mutually intelligible with the Ukrainian ("Little Russian") and Belarusian ("White Russian") languages.
GREAT SAPHENOUS VEIN, noun. (anatomy) The large subcutaneous superficial vein of the leg and thigh.
GREAT SAPHENOUS VEINS, noun. Plural of great saphenous vein
GREAT SATAN, proper noun. (pejorative) The United States of America, usually from the point of view of those Muslims who are hostile to it (especially in Iran).
GREAT SCHISM, proper noun. (Christianity) (historical) The split between the Eastern Church and the Western Church in 1054.
GREAT SCHISM, proper noun. (Christianity) (historical) A split within the Roman Catholic Church that lasted from 1378 to 1417.
GREAT SCOTT, interjection. (dated) An exclamation of surprise or amazement
GREAT SEAL, noun. The main seal of a nation or state that symbolizes its authority, and with which official documents are stamped.
GREAT SEAL, proper noun. The official public seal of any of several nations.
GREAT SKUA, noun. A large seabird, Stercorarius skua.
GREAT SKUAS, noun. Plural of great skua
GREAT SKY RIVER, proper noun. (mythology) (astronomy) The Milky Way, the night sky visual phenomenon caused by dense regions of the Milky Way Galaxy appearing nebulous. (Used especially in Native American contexts.)
GREAT SOUTHERN OCEAN, proper noun. (obsolete) Alternative term for Southern Ocean.
GREAT SPOTTED KIWI, noun. The largest kiwi, Apteryx haastii.
GREAT SPOTTED KIWIS, noun. Plural of great spotted kiwi
GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER, noun. A species of woodpecker, Dendrocopos major.
GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKERS, noun. Plural of great spotted woodpecker
GREAT SUCCESSOR, proper noun. (media) English version of an often-translated epithet for Kim Jong-un.
GREAT TINAMOU, noun. A tinamou, Tinamus major.
GREAT TINAMOUS, noun. Plural of great tinamou
GREAT TIT, noun. A bird in the Paridae family, Parus major.
GREAT TITS, noun. Plural of great tit
GREAT TURK, noun. (historical) The Ottoman sultan.
GREAT UNCLE, noun. Alternative spelling of great-uncle
GREAT UNCLES, noun. Plural of great uncle
GREAT UNWASHED, noun. (idiomatic) A contemptuous term for the populace, particularly the working class.
GREAT VESSEL, noun. (mostly plural) Any of the large vessels that bring blood to and from the heart, i.e. the superior and inferior vena cava, the pulmonary arteries and veins, and the aorta.
GREAT VESSELS, noun. Plural of great vessel
GREAT WALL, proper noun. Shortened form of the Great Wall of China.
GREAT WALL, proper noun. (astronomy) Either of two identified areas containing hundreds of galaxies.
GREAT WALL OF CHINA, proper noun. An ancient Chinese fortification, almost 4,000 miles long, originally designed to protect China from the Mongols.
GREAT WAR, proper noun. Epithet for World War I.
GREAT WHITE NORTH, proper noun. (chiefly Canada) (informal) Canada
GREAT WHITE RAT, proper noun. (AU) (informal) Qantas
GREAT WHITE SHARK, noun. A large shark, Carcharodon carcharias, of coastal surface waters in all major oceans that feeds on fish and marine mammals.
GREAT WHITE SHARKS, noun. Plural of great white shark
GREAT WHITE WAY, proper noun. Broadway, in New York City, in the neighborhood chiefly occupied by theaters
GREAT YARMOUTH, proper noun. A coastal town in Norfolk, England
GREAT YEAR, noun. (astronomy) (historical) One complete precession of the equinox, approximately 25,765 years.
GREAT YEAR, noun. (astronomy) (historical) Any real or imagined cycle with astronomical or astrological significance.
Dictionary definition
GREAT, noun. A person who has achieved distinction and honor in some field; "he is one of the greats of American music".
GREAT, adjective. Relatively large in size or number or extent; larger than others of its kind; "a great juicy steak"; "a great multitude"; "the great auk"; "a great old oak"; "a great ocean liner"; "a great delay".
GREAT, adjective. Of major significance or importance; "a great work of art"; "Einstein was one of the outstanding figures of the 20th centurey".
GREAT, adjective. Remarkable or out of the ordinary in degree or magnitude or effect; "a great crisis"; "had a great stake in the outcome".
GREAT, adjective. Very good; "he did a bully job"; "a neat sports car"; "had a great time at the party"; "you look simply smashing".
GREAT, adjective. Uppercase; "capital A"; "great A"; "many medieval manuscripts are in majuscule script".
GREAT, adjective. In an advanced stage of pregnancy; "was big with child"; "was great with child".
Wise words
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes
are truly endless.