Associations to the word «Burgh»
- Inverness
- Connacht
- Barony
- Hubert
- Elgin
- Wick
- Montrose
- Sands
- Aberdeen
- Fife
- Stirling
- Provost
- Ulster
- Paisley
- Johnstone
- Berwick
- Constituency
- Irvine
- Tain
- Argyll
- Mp
- Muir
- Dundee
- Scotland
- Lacy
- Shire
- Glasgow
- Mor
- Cairn
- Edinburgh
- Burg
- Perth
- Marquess
- Cumbria
- Burgess
- Galloway
- Kildare
- Earl
- Parliament
- Katherine
- Burgher
- Bain
- Chris
- Orkney
- Lincolnshire
- Firth
- Edmond
- Charter
- Scottish
- Cullen
- Forth
- Dunbar
- Andrews
- Commissioner
- Canning
- Galway
- Common
- Heath
- Burke
- Epsom
- Mortimer
- Constable
- Baron
- Hampstead
- Magistrate
- Loch
- Quay
- Cameron
- Carlisle
- De
- Redistribution
- Castle
- Baronet
- Tay
- Avalon
- Scot
- Ulysses
- Heiress
- Easter
- Eustace
- Clyde
- Lionel
- Dover
- Unionist
- Tweed
- Borg
- Norman
BURGH, noun. (Sussex) a small mound, often used in reference to tumuli (mostly restricted to place names).
BURGH, noun. (UK) a borough or chartered town (now only used as an official subdivision in Scotland).
BURGH OF BARONY, noun. (Scotland) (historical) A burgh in Scotland, distinct from royal burghs in being granted to a landowner who, as a tenant-in-chief, held his estates directly from the crown.
Dictionary definition
BURGH, noun. A borough in Scotland.
Wise words
To use the same words is not a sufficient guarantee of
understanding; one must use the same words for the same
genus of inward experience; ultimately one must have one's
experiences in common.