Associations to the word «Galloway»
- Charley
- Dawkins
- Fergus
- Loch
- Argyll
- Dunn
- Upland
- Scotland
- Firth
- Burgh
- Cumbria
- Iain
- Drew
- Luce
- Sergeant
- Joey
- Alf
- Throttle
- Forth
- Glasgow
- Lordship
- Archibald
- Janice
- Bishopric
- Fife
- Patio
- Kell
- Finch
- Aberdeen
- Pickering
- Mite
- Malley
- Mcnamara
- Vic
- Stewart
- Dillon
- Mp
- Holster
- Gall
- Earl
- Scottish
- Wildcat
- Loyalist
- Orkney
- Infirmary
- Cistercian
- Dunlop
- Costello
- Crockett
- Cougar
- Archdeacon
- Ok
- Fitz
- Alison
- Crutch
- Wrench
- Bradford
- Jester
- Quadrant
- Jarrett
- Angus
- Hammersmith
- Edinburgh
- Vidal
- Viva
- Norton
- Wr
- Caroline
- Isle
- Aviator
- Randolph
- Bartender
- Joanne
- Rye
- Ewing
- Banning
- Boiler
- Judith
- Cree
- Barony
- Zimmerman
- Cockpit
- Bram
- Griffiths
- Dunbar
- Libel
- Kelvin
GALLOWAY, proper noun. A formerly Gaelic-speaking region in the southwestern-most corner of Scotland as part of Dumfries and Galloway council area. Its capital is Kirkcudbright.
GALLOWAY, noun. A kind of small horse.
GALLOWAY TUBE, noun. A tapered thermic syphon water-tube inserted in the furnace of a Lancashire boiler.
GALLOWAY TUBES, noun. Plural of Galloway tube
Dictionary definition
GALLOWAY, noun. A district in southwestern Scotland.
GALLOWAY, noun. Breed of hardy black chiefly beef cattle native to Scotland.
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.