Associations to the word «Loch»
- Ness
- Argyll
- Tay
- Inverness
- Firth
- Sutherland
- Highlands
- Awe
- Ard
- Glen
- Broom
- Galloway
- Monster
- Highland
- Scotland
- Nan
- Clyde
- Convoy
- Trout
- Garry
- Annal
- Inlet
- Shire
- Raven
- Munro
- Orkney
- Distillery
- Cairn
- Fife
- Forth
- Stirling
- Islet
- Fergus
- Connacht
- Shore
- Refit
- Fjord
- Isthmus
- Hms
- Sighting
- Reservoir
- Isle
- Fresh
- Mor
- Wexford
- Whisky
- Nam
- Jacobite
- Foyer
- Promontory
- Laird
- Perth
- Scenery
- Causeway
- Burgh
- Ross
- Dun
- Glasgow
- Bog
- Sonar
- Frigate
- Shin
- Sailing
- Wolff
- Peat
- Pont
- Headland
- Felix
- Ui
- Burn
- Shetland
- Moor
- Castle
- Estuary
- Kyle
- Drainage
- Salmon
- Osprey
- Ferry
- Seaplane
- Angus
- Kilometre
- Calder
LOCH, noun. (Scotland) A lake.
LOCH, noun. (Scotland) A bay or arm of the sea.
LOCH, noun. Alternative form of looch
LOCH LOMOND, proper noun. The largest lake in Scotland, located in central Scotland.
LOCH NESS, proper noun. A lake in the Great Glen of Scotland, the second largest in Britain, and with a maximum depth of 226 metres. It is the alleged home of the Loch Ness monster, Nessie.
LOCH NESS MONSTER, proper noun. (cryptozoology) A creature believed by some to inhabit Loch Ness in Scotland.
LOCH NESS MONSTER, proper noun. (cryptozoology) Alternative spelling of Loch Ness monster
Dictionary definition
LOCH, noun. A long narrow inlet of the sea in Scotland (especially when it is nearly landlocked).
LOCH, noun. Scottish word for a lake.
Wise words
Words are always getting conventionalized to some secondary
meaning. It is one of the works of poetry to take the
truants in custody and bring them back to their right