Associations to the word «Glen»
- Watkins
- Waverley
- Ballard
- Iain
- Loch
- Cove
- Antrim
- Campbell
- Raceway
- Keane
- Cairn
- Oaks
- Distillery
- Canyon
- Falls
- Inverness
- Stu
- Iris
- Waterfall
- Fiddle
- Rover
- Gavin
- Argyll
- Garry
- Highlands
- Angus
- Ravine
- Munro
- Jacobite
- Echo
- Saratoga
- Gorge
- Beverly
- Willow
- Bloomfield
- Duncan
- Larson
- Dorsey
- Animator
- Oak
- Tay
- Hardin
- Este
- Highland
- Ridge
- Arbor
- Lineman
- Hours
- Hudson
- Severn
- Ellen
- Wong
- Rochelle
- Crag
- Glade
- Mills
- Whisky
- Mandolin
- Benton
- Lyon
- Dun
- Eden
- Eyre
- Cook
- Annapolis
- Shields
- Brook
- Monarch
- Steep
- Wilton
- Knoll
- Tam
- Glenn
- Gully
- Ross
- Wichita
- Tko
- Derry
- Oiler
- Riddle
- Phillips
- Allen
- Hillside
- Hodgson
- Avon
- Causeway
- Viaduct
- Gardner
- Powell
GLEN, noun. A secluded and narrow valley; a dale; a depression between hills.
GLEN, proper noun. A Scottish habitational surname for someone who lives in a valley.
GLEN, proper noun. A male given name transferred from the surname.
Dictionary definition
GLEN, noun. A narrow secluded valley (in the mountains).
Wise words
All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast
of the mind.