Associations to the word «Viva»


VIVA, interjection. Long live ... ! (used to express acclaim or support).
VIVA, verb. (ambitransitive) (dated) To cheer, applaud
VIVA, noun. A shout of applause.
VIVA, noun. An oral examination, typically for an academic qualification.
VIVA, verb. (transitive) To subject to an examination of this kind.
VIVA, proper noun. A region of Manhattanville, Harlem, New York City
VIVA VOCE, adjective. By word of mouth.
VIVA VOCE, adverb. By word of mouth.
VIVA VOCE, noun. An oral examination.
VIVÂ VOCE, adjective. Alternative spelling of viva voce
VIVÂ VOCE, adverb. Alternative spelling of viva voce
VIVÂ VOCE, noun. Alternative spelling of viva voce

Dictionary definition

VIVA, noun. An examination conducted by spoken communication.

Wise words

When ideas fail, words come in very handy.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe