Associations to the word «Babe»
- Ruth
- Yankee
- Cher
- Hardy
- Womb
- Cradle
- Bianca
- Pantomime
- Lou
- Cobb
- Bethlehem
- Sonny
- Rooney
- Ain
- Herman
- Defenceman
- Jimmie
- Pratt
- Hitter
- Hank
- Mickey
- Ox
- Sock
- Dempsey
- Outfielder
- Ty
- Bosom
- Breast
- Viva
- Fielder
- Wail
- Oliver
- Herod
- Mantle
- Booty
- Hey
- Midwife
- Chandler
- Carey
- Swat
- Canuck
- Rbi
- Pig
- Baseman
- Milk
- Innocent
- Ani
- Kat
- Stan
- Annette
- Wood
- Baseball
- Slumber
- Horus
- Pitcher
- Aaron
- Grounds
- Dylan
- Suck
- Garland
- Nipple
- Willie
- Lorenz
- Nourishment
- Cora
- Rodgers
- Shirley
- Batter
- Sleeping
- Mick
- Reggie
- Catechism
- Phelps
- Ign
- Weep
- Rainbow
BABE, noun. (literary or poetic) A baby or infant; a very young human or animal.
BABE, noun. (slang) An attractive person, especially a young woman.
BABE, noun. Darling (term of endearment).
BABE IN ARMS, noun. (idiomatic) An infant.
BABE IN ARMS, adjective. A likeness to an infant being cradled in the arms of a parent or caretaker.
BABE IN THE WOOD, noun. Alternative form of babe in the woods
BABE IN THE WOODS, noun. (idiomatic) A person who is innocent, naive, inexperienced, or helpless.
BABE MAGNET, noun. (chiefly North America) (idiomatic) (slang) A person, especially a man, to whom women are attracted.
Dictionary definition
BABE, noun. A very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk; "the baby began to cry again"; "she held the baby in her arms"; "it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different".
BABE, noun. (slang) sometimes used as a term of address for attractive young women.
Wise words
Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed.
Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be