Associations to the word «Prudent»
- Wise
- Foresight
- Prudence
- Precaution
- Caution
- Moderate
- Negligence
- Counsel
- Quixote
- Diligence
- Discretion
- Moderation
- Antibiotic
- Babe
- Conduct
- Senor
- Zeal
- Indulgence
- Inconvenience
- Advice
- Circumstance
- Juncture
- Housewife
- Dictate
- Avoidance
- Ulysses
- Practical
- Disposition
- Wisdom
- Counsellor
- Folly
- Investor
- Faithful
- Tradesman
- Bold
- Housekeeper
- Supposing
- Vigour
- Censure
- Abstinence
- Discreet
- Cautious
- Industrious
- Wise
- Virtuous
- Skilful
- Rash
- Valiant
- Reasonable
- Practicable
- Zealous
- Desirous
- Sober
- Timid
- Watchful
- Skillful
- Courteous
- Economical
- Worldly
- Wary
- Restrained
- Reckless
- Generous
- Hospitable
- Expedient
- Humane
- Pious
- Courageous
- Careful
- Modest
- Affectionate
- Moderate
- Conscientious
- Sensible
- Doubtless
- Esteemed
- Shrewd
- Fiscal
- Extravagant
- Temperate
- Tempered
- Cowardly
- Utmost
- Calculating
- Tolerable
PRUDENT, adjective. Sagacious in adapting means to ends; circumspect in action, or in determining any line of conduct; careful, discreet, sensible; -- opposed to rash; directed by prudence or wise forethought; evincing prudence;
PRUDENT, adjective. Practically wise, judicious, shrewd
PRUDENT, adjective. Frugal; economical; not extravagant;
PRUDENT MAN RULE, noun. (legal) (investment) A standard for the duty of a fiduciary with responsibility over investments.
PRUDENT MAN RULES, noun. Plural of prudent man rule
Dictionary definition
PRUDENT, adjective. Careful and sensible; marked by sound judgment; "a prudent manager"; "prudent rulers"; "prudent hesitation"; "more prudent to hide than to fight".
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