Associations to the word «Housewife»
- Bravo
- Cookbook
- Bree
- Beverly
- Abc
- Gabrielle
- Recipe
- Salesman
- Cooking
- Atlanta
- Felicity
- Airing
- Hodge
- Sewing
- Installment
- Baking
- Marcia
- Anatomy
- Hills
- Cherry
- Burg
- Apron
- Chore
- Sheridan
- Feminist
- Mayer
- Grocer
- Betty
- Diary
- Edna
- Kitchen
- Angie
- Potomac
- Elena
- Husband
- Gilmore
- Teresa
- Frying
- Sitcom
- Mother
- Scrub
- Cleaning
- Marge
- Loaf
- Aged
- Orson
- Prostitute
- Laundry
- Reality
- Eva
- Feminism
- Orange
- Soap
- Mom
- Accountant
- Television
- Episode
- Cook
- Nielsen
- Dough
- Tailor
- Dish
- Housekeeper
- Kaufman
- Lydia
- Maid
- Cake
- Bourgeois
- Bread
- Viewer
- Parody
- Rossi
- Invalid
Pictures for the word «Housewife»
HOUSEWIFE, noun. A woman, often unemployed, who spends most of her time maintaining the upkeep of her home and tending to household affairs.
HOUSEWIFE, noun. The wife of a householder; the mistress of a family; the female head of a household.
HOUSEWIFE, noun. A little case or bag for materials used in sewing, and for other articles of female work; – called also hussy.
HOUSEWIFE, verb. Alternative form of housewive
Dictionary definition
HOUSEWIFE, noun. A wife who manages a household while her husband earns the family income.
Wise words
Hope is the word which God has written on the brow of every