Associations to the word «Extravagant»


EXTRAVAGANT, adjective. Exceeding the bounds of something; roving; hence, foreign.
EXTRAVAGANT, adjective. Extreme; wild; excessive; unrestrained.
EXTRAVAGANT, adjective. Exorbitant.
EXTRAVAGANT, adjective. Profuse in expenditure; prodigal; wasteful.

Dictionary definition

EXTRAVAGANT, adjective. Unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings; "extravagant praise"; "exuberant compliments"; "overweening ambition"; "overweening greed".
EXTRAVAGANT, adjective. Recklessly wasteful; "prodigal in their expenditures".

Wise words

The short words are best, and the old words are the best of all.
Winston Churchill