Associations to the word «Improbable»
- Supposition
- Peabody
- Impossible
- Coincidence
- Conjecture
- Supposing
- Contingency
- Comeback
- Annal
- Ig
- Render
- Possible
- Herodotus
- Dawkins
- Farce
- Impossibility
- Hypothesis
- Scenario
- Extravagance
- Falsehood
- Occurrence
- Plunging
- Probability
- Tale
- Ferocity
- Guessing
- Circumstance
- Miracle
- Snapping
- Suitor
- Assertion
- Regularity
- Catastrophe
- Nourishment
- Hereafter
- Ernesto
- Explanation
- Delusion
- Possibility
- Spaceship
- Ignorant
- Remote
- Suggestion
- Speculation
- Ebert
IMPROBABLE, adjective. Not likely to be true.
IMPROBABLE, adjective. Not likely to happen.
Dictionary definition
IMPROBABLE, adjective. Not likely to be true or to occur or to have occurred; "legislation on the question is highly unlikely"; "an improbable event".
IMPROBABLE, adjective. Having a probability too low to inspire belief.
IMPROBABLE, adjective. Too improbable to admit of belief; "a tall story".
Wise words
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing
in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in
the hands of one who knows how to combine them.