Associations to the word «Fruitful»
- Collaboration
- Vine
- Womb
- Leiden
- Germ
- Fowl
- Commandment
- Harvest
- Soil
- Genesis
- Vineyard
- Blessing
- Injunction
- Fertility
- Ephraim
- Giver
- Cooperation
- Abundance
- Olive
- Partnership
- Orchard
- Discord
- Experimentation
- Dominion
- Epoch
- Dialogue
- Observatory
- Be
- Nile
- Plum
- Enquiry
- Corn
- Mankind
- Inquiry
- Pasture
- Israelites
- Toil
- Kuhn
- Bough
- Discussion
- Insight
- Rich
- Vigor
- Sacrament
- Earth
- Conception
- Relationship
- Schiller
- Friendship
- Desert
- Penance
- Analogy
- Wilderness
- Flock
- Blossom
- Syriac
- Universal
FRUITFUL, adjective. Favourable to the growth of fruit or useful vegetation; fertile; not barren.
FRUITFUL, adjective. Being productive in any sense; yielding benefits.
Dictionary definition
FRUITFUL, adjective. Productive or conducive to producing in abundance; "be fruitful and multiply".
Wise words
However many holy words you read, however many you speak,
what good will they do you if you do not act upon them?