Associations to the word «Penance»
- Sacrament
- Eucharist
- Rishi
- Fasting
- Austerity
- Brahma
- Lent
- Repentance
- Baptism
- Confessor
- Sin
- Indulgence
- Confession
- Sinner
- Veda
- Forgiveness
- Shiva
- Abstinence
- Reconciliation
- Vow
- Atonement
- Arjuna
- Practise
- Pilgrimage
- Communion
- Indra
- Sancho
- Alms
- Observance
- Brahman
- Sick
- Hermit
- Piety
- Siva
- Ganges
- Confirmation
- Humility
- Prayer
- Sage
- Holy
- Mantra
- Sanctity
- Hermitage
- Purification
- Scourge
- Devotion
- Devotee
- Adultery
- Viz
- Deva
- Celestial
- Solitude
- Punishment
- Chastity
- Brahmin
- Rite
- Ordination
- Friar
- Heretic
- Rama
- Vigil
- Martyrdom
- Reparation
- Sacrifice
- Quixote
- Righteousness
- Salvation
- Lakshmi
- Heresy
- Nara
- Yoga
PENANCE, noun. A voluntary self-imposed punishment for a sinful act or wrongdoing. It may be intended to serve as reparation for the act.
PENANCE, noun. A sacrament in some Christian churches.
PENANCE, noun. (obsolete) repentance
PENANCE, noun. (obsolete) pain; sorrow; suffering
PENANCE, verb. To impose penance; to punish.
Dictionary definition
PENANCE, noun. Remorse for your past conduct.
PENANCE, noun. A Catholic sacrament; repentance and confession and atonement and absolution.
PENANCE, noun. Voluntary self-punishment in order to atone for some wrongdoing.
Wise words
Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable
fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those
symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated
by the inaudible language of the heart.