Associations to the word «Lakshmi»
- Narayan
- Menon
- Devi
- Rani
- Pandit
- Bai
- Consort
- Kali
- Brahma
- Rai
- Goddess
- Shankar
- Babu
- Rao
- Sharma
- Shiva
- Rama
- Krishna
- Maha
- Siva
- Shri
- Raja
- Ravi
- Prasad
- Sri
- Indra
- Nehru
- Prakash
- Jai
- Avatar
- Nag
- Mandir
- Devotee
- Deva
- Reddy
- Chandra
- Anand
- Hindus
- Prosperity
- Swami
- Hindu
- Incarnation
- Mata
- Malayalam
- Deity
- Lotus
- Kumar
- Mantra
- Naga
- Kannada
- Maharaja
- Prem
- Gandhi
- Temple
- Veda
- Ki
- Wealth
- Abode
- Brahman
- Iconography
- Hinduism
- Brahmin
- Sanskrit
- Bose
- Magnate
- Penance
- Shrine
- Zee
- Rana
- Mysore
- Embodiment
- Amman
- Tamil
- Bahadur
- Dharma
- Kerala
- Leah
- Mani
- Raj
- Indira
- Sai
- Idol
- Pradesh
- Bihar
- Atm
- Nara
- Worship
- Anu
- Singh
- Regency
- Discus
- Hyderabad
- Asha
LAKSHMI, proper noun. The Hindu goddess of wealth, the consort of Vishnu and married to Rama (in her incarnation as Sita) and Krishna (as Rukmini and Radha).
LAKSHMI, proper noun. A female given name used in India.
Dictionary definition
LAKSHMI, noun. Hindu goddess of fortune and prosperity.
Wise words
Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the
human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.