Associations to the word «Gandhi»
- Indira
- Nehru
- Sonia
- Disobedience
- Bose
- Janata
- Lal
- Delhi
- Assassination
- Narayan
- Mandela
- Pandit
- Gujarat
- Chandra
- Mandir
- Prasad
- Sikh
- Shri
- Prime
- Hindu
- Bahadur
- Bihar
- Hyderabad
- India
- Hindus
- Anand
- Raj
- Luther
- Jammu
- Chairperson
- Singh
- Lakshmi
- Irwin
- Pradesh
- Swami
- Hinduism
- Bombay
- Mumbai
- Ganges
- Lucknow
- Arjuna
- Kerala
- Haryana
- Kingsley
- Viceroy
- Pune
- Krishna
- Shankar
- Hindi
- Emergency
- Caste
- Bangalore
- Gupta
- Rao
- Bal
- Govt
- Maharashtra
- Durban
- Kala
- Independence
- Minister
- Hind
- Rajasthan
- Fasting
- Natal
- Congress
- Pact
- Boycott
- Menon
- Kumar
- Modus
- Partition
- Bodyguard
- Transvaal
- Assam
- Madras
- Ruskin
- Devi
- Ravi
- Calcutta
- Maharaja
- Punjab
- Kashmir
- Reddy
- Lama
- Disarmament
- Follower
GANDHI, proper noun. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, commonly known as Mahatma Gandhi, political and spiritual leader of India and the Indian independence movement, and proponent of nonviolence.
GANDHI, proper noun. A surname used by Hindu, Jain, Parsi and Sikh people throughout India.
Dictionary definition
GANDHI, noun. Daughter of Nehru who served as prime minister of India from 1966 to 1977 (1917-1984).
GANDHI, noun. Political and spiritual leader during India's struggle with Great Britain for home rule; an advocate of passive resistance (1869-1948).
Wise words
One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and
in fewer words than prose.