Associations to the word «Rajasthan»
- Haryana
- Gujarat
- Pradesh
- Rajput
- Pali
- Bihar
- Maharashtra
- Jammu
- Punjab
- Janata
- Kashmir
- Karnataka
- Shri
- Delhi
- Malwa
- Maharaja
- Assam
- Lal
- Panchayat
- Mata
- Mandir
- Sharma
- India
- Hindi
- Singh
- Goa
- Tod
- Brahmin
- Rana
- Jai
- Bengal
- Mumbai
- Rani
- Caste
- Kerala
- Indus
- Devi
- Mughal
- Ganges
- Govt
- Mandal
- Pune
- Pap
- Bali
- Hyderabad
- Himalayas
- Constituency
- Indira
- Kala
- Mysore
- Modus
- Bombay
- Abu
- Ki
- Hindu
- Gandhi
- Cairn
- Raj
- Sanskrit
- Amer
- Bangalore
- Irrigation
- Maratha
- Chandra
- Subcontinent
- Romani
- Kumar
- Swami
- Pakistan
- Shamanism
- Raja
- Krishna
- Prakash
- Desert
- Bari
- Narayan
- Turban
- Clan
- Lucknow
- Taluk
- Assembly
- Rao
- Literacy
- Sikh
- Brahma
RAJASTHAN, proper noun. Originally, various parts of northwest India within Rajputana province; now specifically, a state in western India, with Jaipur as its capital, created in 1949 and replacing the former province of Rajputana. [from 19th c.]
Wise words
Words are always getting conventionalized to some secondary
meaning. It is one of the works of poetry to take the
truants in custody and bring them back to their right