Associations to the word «Devi»


DEVI, proper noun. (Hinduism) Shakti, the female aspect of the divine, as conceptualized by the Shakta tradition of Hinduism. She is the female counterpart without whom the male aspect, which represents consciousness or discrimination, remains impotent and void.
DEVI, proper noun. A title put at the end of any female deity's name within Hinduism (e.g. Lakshmi Devi, Saraswati Devi, Kali Devi).
DEVI, proper noun. A female given name used in India.

Dictionary definition

DEVI, noun. Hindu mother goddess; supreme power in the universe; wife or embodiment of the female energy of Siva having both beneficent and malevolent forms or aspects.

Wise words

False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.