Associations to the word «Modus»


MODUS, noun. (legal) (obsolete) The arrangement of, or mode of expressing, the terms of a contract or conveyance.
MODUS, noun. (legal) A qualification involving the idea of variation or departure from some general rule or form, in the way of either restriction or enlargement, according to the circumstances of the case, as in the will of a donor, an agreement between parties, etc.
MODUS, noun. (legal) A fixed compensation or equivalent given instead of payment of tithes in kind, expressed in full by the phrase modus decimandi.
MODUS OPERANDI, noun. (colloquial) A person or thing's normal mode of operation.
MODUS OPERANDI, noun. (law enforcement) A known criminal's established habits and mode of work when committing specific offences, especially fraud, matched with characteristics of an unsolved crime to narrow down (limit to a specific list) or profile suspects.
MODUS OPERANDUM, noun. Common misconstruction of modus operandi
MODUS OPERANDUS, noun. Common misconstruction of modus operandi
MODUS PONENS, noun. (philosophy) (logic) A valid form of argument in which the antecedent of a conditional proposition is affirmed, thereby entailing the affirmation of the consequent. Modus ponens has the form:
MODUS TOLLENS, noun. (philosophy) (logic) A valid form of argument in which the consequent of a conditional proposition is denied, thus implying the denial of the antecedent. Modus tollens has this form:
MODUS VIVENDI, noun. A way of living, especially a working arrangement to allow for peaceful coexistence between two parties in spite of differences or unresolved disputes. [from 19th c.]

Wise words

Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement.
Alfred Adler