Associations to the word «Bilateral»


BILATERAL, adjective. Having two sides
BILATERAL, adjective. Involving both sides equally.
BILATERAL, adjective. (of an agreement) Binding on both of the two parties involved.
BILATERAL, adjective. Having bilateral symmetry.
BILATERAL, adjective. (anthropology) Involving descent or ascent regardless of sex and side of the family.
BILATERAL, noun. A meeting between two people or groups
BILATERAL DESCENT, noun. Descent traced from all biological descendants, regardless of sex and side of the family
BILATERAL DESCENT, noun. Descent traced from an ancestor, regardless of sex and side of the family of the intervening generations
BILATERAL DESCENTS, noun. Plural of bilateral descent
BILATERAL GILL TRAMA, noun. (mycology) A type of gill trama that has a central strand of hyphae, from which other strands of hyphae diverge at slanted angles.
BILATERAL SYMMETRY, noun. The property of being symmetrical about a vertical plane
BILATERAL SYMMETRY, noun. (biology) the characteristic, in animals, of being symmetric about a plane running from head to tail

Dictionary definition

BILATERAL, adjective. Having identical parts on each side of an axis.
BILATERAL, adjective. Affecting or undertaken by two parties; "a bilateral agreement between the United States and Japan".
BILATERAL, adjective. Having two sides or parts.

Wise words

All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.
Winston Churchill