Associations to the word «Diplomatic»


DIPLOMATIC, adjective. Concerning the relationships between the governments of countries.
DIPLOMATIC, adjective. Exhibiting diplomacy; exercising tact or courtesy; using discussion to avoid hard feelings, fights or arguments.
DIPLOMATIC, adjective. Describing a publication of a text which follows a single basic manuscript, but with variants in other manuscripts noted in the critical apparatus
DIPLOMATIC, adjective. Relating to diplomatics, or the study of old texts; paleographic.
DIPLOMATIC, noun. The science of diplomas, or the art of deciphering ancient writings and determining their age, authenticity, etc.; paleography.
DIPLOMATIC BAG, noun. A container with letters etc from representatives of a given country to another country, which has immunity from examination by customs officials.
DIPLOMATIC BAGS, noun. Plural of diplomatic bag
DIPLOMATIC FLU, noun. (idiomatic) (politics) An illness feigned by one or more government officials or other public figures as an excuse for an absence really based on political reasons.
DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY, noun. A diplomat's immunity to prosecution and/or litigation under local law.
DIPLOMATIC MISSION, noun. A group of people (including diplomats) from one nation present in another as authorized representatives of the first
DIPLOMATIC POUCH, noun. (US) A diplomatic bag.
DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS, noun. Diplomatic intercourse between nations; including the mutual presence of a diplomatic mission in each nation

Dictionary definition

DIPLOMATIC, adjective. Relating to or characteristic of diplomacy; "diplomatic immunity".
DIPLOMATIC, adjective. Using or marked by tact in dealing with sensitive matters or people; "the hostess averted a confrontation with a diplomatic chenage of subject".

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