Associations to the word «Courier»
- Louisville
- Despatch
- Drone
- Brisbane
- Dispatch
- Czar
- Advertiser
- Dover
- Charleston
- Inverness
- Malwa
- Argus
- Archangel
- Tiding
- Herald
- Gazette
- Pittsburgh
- Laden
- Daily
- Dundee
- Newspaper
- Mazda
- Messenger
- Bingham
- Weekly
- Valet
- Express
- Ky
- Parcel
- Font
- Pouch
- Heroin
- Warp
- Horseback
- Taunton
- Journal
- Unesco
- Bassett
- Delivery
- Telegraph
- Message
- Columnist
- Editorial
- Package
- Greer
- Elgin
- Byzantium
- Liaison
- Belisarius
- Gestapo
- Motorcycle
- Rendezvous
- Telegram
- Quixote
- Briefcase
- Hobart
- Prescott
- Berliner
- Lafayette
- Relay
- Nsa
- News
- Fuchs
- Gallop
- Pigeon
- Logistics
- Hannibal
- Tnt
- Transporting
- Jim
- Pickup
- Tribune
- Sending
- Editor
- Khalid
- Hq
- Maratha
- Banning
COURIER, noun. A person who looks after and guides tourists.
COURIER, noun. A person who delivers messages.
COURIER, noun. A company that delivers messages.
COURIER, noun. A company that transports goods.
COURIER, noun. (internet) A user who earns access to a topsite by uploading warez.
COURIER, verb. To deliver by courier.
COURIER, proper noun. A monospace font that resembles the characters produced by a typewriter.
Dictionary definition
COURIER, noun. A person who carries a message.
Wise words
Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul