Associations to the word «Galloping»


GALLOP, noun. The fastest gait of a horse, a two-beat stride during which all four legs are off the ground simultaneously.
GALLOP, verb. (Intransitive. Of a horse, etc) To run at a gallop.
GALLOP, verb. To ride at a galloping pace.
GALLOP, verb. To cause to gallop.
GALLOP, verb. To make electrical or other utility lines sway and/or move up and down violently, usually due to a combination of high winds and ice accrual on the lines.
GALLOP, verb. To run very fast.
GALLOP, verb. (figurative) To go rapidly or carelessly, as in making a hasty examination.

Dictionary definition

GALLOP, noun. A fast gait of a horse; a two-beat stride during which all four legs are off the ground simultaneously.
GALLOP, verb. Ride at a galloping pace; "He was galloping down the road".
GALLOP, verb. Go at galloping speed; "The horse was galloping along".
GALLOP, verb. Cause to move at full gallop; "Did you gallop the horse just now?".

Wise words

Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.
Edgar Allan Poe