Associations to the word «Horseman»

Pictures for the word «Horseman»


HORSEMAN, noun. A man who rides a horse.
HORSEMAN, noun. A soldier on horseback.
HORSEMAN, noun. A man skilled in horsemanship.
HORSEMAN, noun. (UK) (agriculture) (obsolete) A man in charge of work horses.
HORSEMAN, noun. A swift-running land crab of the genus Ocypoda, living on the coast of Brazil and the West Indies.
HORSEMAN, noun. A West Indian fish of the genus Eques, such as the light-horseman (Eques lanceolatus).

Dictionary definition

HORSEMAN, noun. A man skilled in equitation.
HORSEMAN, noun. A person who breeds and cares for horses.

Wise words

All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind.
Kahlil Gibran