Associations to the word «Charger»
- Diego
- Dodge
- Bronco
- Bills
- Afc
- Nfl
- Linebacker
- Redskin
- Chrysler
- Turbo
- Ravens
- San
- Raider
- Oiler
- Lineman
- Afl
- Bree
- Kicker
- Rivers
- Quarterback
- Punt
- Preseason
- Buccaneer
- Kickoff
- Texan
- Dolphin
- Battery
- Patriot
- Touchdown
- Td
- Huntsville
- Oakland
- Fumble
- Novak
- Packer
- Wr
- Nate
- Interception
- Colt
- Rb
- Chevrolet
- Halftime
- Winslow
- Volt
- Draft
- Adapter
- Batterie
- Overtime
- Denver
- Jet
- Jaguar
- Rematch
- Manning
- Receiver
- Titan
- Hoof
- Tackle
- Bengal
- Interceptor
- Coordinator
- Playoff
- Turnover
- Mustang
- V8
- Fullback
- Indianapolis
- Ram
- Waiver
- Jacksonville
- Gates
- Yard
- Lions
- Bio
- Clinch
- Hoove
- Falcon
- Shelby
- Opener
- Steed
- Kw
- Cowboy
- Gallop
- Sideline
- Offseason
- Mathews
- Bridle
CHARGER, noun. A device that charges or recharges.
CHARGER, noun. A large horse trained for battle and used by the cavalry. They were of a lighter build than a destrier
CHARGER, noun. A large platter.
CHARGER, noun. One who charges.
CHARGER, noun. (firearms) A speedloader that holds several cartridges together in a single unit for easier loading of a firearm's magazine.
CHARGER, noun. (prison) A rectal concealment container for prohibited material such as money, drugs and tools.
Dictionary definition
CHARGER, noun. Formerly a strong swift horse ridden into battle.
CHARGER, noun. A device for charging or recharging batteries.
Wise words
A kind word warms a man throughout three winters.