Associations to the word «Overtime»


OVERTIME, noun. (uncountable) The working time outside of one's regular hours
OVERTIME, noun. (sports) (countable) An extra period of play when a contest has a tie score at the end of regulation.
OVERTIME, noun. (uncountable) The rate of pay, usually higher, for work done outside of or in addition to regular hours.
OVERTIME, adverb. Exceeding regular working hours.
OVERTIME BAN, noun. A type of industrial action, in which the workers collectively refuse to work overtime.
OVERTIME BANS, noun. Plural of overtime ban

Dictionary definition

OVERTIME, noun. Work done in addition to regular working hours.
OVERTIME, noun. Playing time beyond regulation, to break a tie.
OVERTIME, adverb. Beyond the regular time; "she often has to work overtime".

Wise words

Actions speak louder than words.
Ancient Proverb