Associations to the word «Nugget»


NUGGET, noun. (countable) A small, compact chunk or clump.
NUGGET, noun. (countable) A tidbit of something valuable.
NUGGET, noun. (uncountable) A type of boot polish.
NUGGET, noun. (countable) A bud from the Cannabis sativa plant. Usually implies dankness.
NUGGET, noun. (countable) (slang) An inexperienced, newly trained fighter pilot.
NUGGET, noun. (comptheory) A partial description gleaned from data mining.
NUGGET OF TRUTH, noun. (idiomatic) A small amount of truth in a generally untrue statement.

Dictionary definition

NUGGET, noun. A solid lump of a precious metal (especially gold) as found in the earth.

Wise words

The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.
Thomas Jefferson