Associations to the word «Sacramento»
- Joaquin
- Kings
- Stockton
- Fresno
- Laker
- California
- Arden
- Dorado
- Staple
- Chico
- Clipper
- Oakland
- Reno
- Rancho
- Mcclellan
- Hornet
- Pepsi
- Nba
- Monarch
- Levee
- Bee
- Fargo
- Nevada
- Slough
- Delta
- Tko
- Nugget
- Butte
- Mather
- Foothill
- Francisco
- Amtrak
- Arena
- Maverick
- Portland
- Triple
- Elk
- Jose
- Lions
- Sierra
- Capitol
- Denver
- Auburn
- Monterey
- Oaks
- San
- Blazer
- Rt
- Surge
- Calif
- Choke
- Contra
- Fremont
- Kobe
- Tacoma
- Sucker
- Phoenix
- Webber
- Omaha
- Orlando
- Bucks
- Steamboat
- Raptor
- Metropolitan
- Milwaukee
- Pau
- Seattle
- Sacrament
- Diego
- Vega
- Dispersal
- Oracle
- Derrick
- Background
- Ufc
- Carmichael
- Utah
- Anaheim
- Freeway
- Angeles
- Valley
- Miner
- Redwood
- Montevideo
- Rivers
- Confluence
- Sac
- Memphis
- Houston
- Affiliate
- Aqueduct
- Eureka
- Watershed
SACRAMENTO, proper noun. The capital city of California.
SACRAMENTO, proper noun. A major river in northern California.
SACRAMENTO MOUNTAINS, proper noun. A range of mountains in southern New Mexico.
SACRAMENTO RIVER, proper noun. A river in northern California.
Dictionary definition
SACRAMENTO, noun. A city in north central California 75 miles to the northeast of San Francisco on the Sacramento River; capital of California.
Wise words
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing
in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in
the hands of one who knows how to combine them.