Associations to the word «Musketeer»
- Dumas
- Alexandre
- Athos
- Richelieu
- Xavier
- Suez
- Volley
- Musket
- Grenadier
- Rifleman
- Sioux
- Mickey
- Swordsman
- Fairbanks
- Trois
- Roi
- Bayonet
- Dragoon
- Femme
- Pike
- Abbe
- Guardsman
- Cavalry
- Crossbow
- Comte
- Buckingham
- Gama
- Lester
- Monsieur
- Rochelle
- Royalist
- Parliamentarian
- Constance
- Cardinal
- Eminence
- Fusilier
- Horseman
- Xiii
- Maison
- Chevalier
- Maratha
- Colbert
- Malwa
- Cossack
- Rampart
- Raoul
- Hedge
- Sire
- Monte
- Archer
- Armand
- Alley
- Duel
- Belisarius
- Gunpowder
- Chesterfield
- Adaptation
- Cannon
- Cavalier
- Tsar
- Mustache
- Sequel
- Infantry
- Flank
- Bowman
- Xiv
- Majesty
- Artillery
- Regiment
- Esquire
- Wilde
- Whichever
- Donald
- Barricade
- Swede
- Commissary
- Uniform
- Musical
- Adventures
- Firepower
- Guard
- Adventure
- Hallmark
- Sword
- Nasser
- Samurai
- Pig
- Valet
- Minnie
MUSKETEER, noun. (military) A foot soldier armed with a musket.
MUSKETEER, noun. (military) In 17th and 18th century France, a member of the royal household bodyguard.
MUSKETEER, noun. (informal) A fan, supporter or partisan of Elon Musk.
Dictionary definition
MUSKETEER, noun. A foot soldier armed with a musket.
Wise words
Hope is the word which God has written on the brow of every