Associations to the word «Constance»
- Sigismund
- Danube
- Cummings
- Aragon
- Schism
- Castile
- Bishopric
- Cesar
- Connie
- Antioch
- Xxiii
- Collier
- Rhine
- Bennett
- Towers
- Sicily
- Cary
- Brittany
- Basel
- Married
- Papacy
- Wilde
- Baden
- Heiress
- Cedric
- Mathieu
- Avignon
- Ellsworth
- Musketeer
- Augsburg
- Zeppelin
- Pisum
- Norma
- Je
- Alfonso
- Goddard
- Rourke
- Proton
- Berman
- Casimir
- Katherine
- Chaucer
- Crawley
- Dubois
- Lake
- Eleanor
- Villiers
- Abbot
- Peyton
- Freiburg
- Anjou
- Conan
- Evelyn
- Blanche
- Maude
- Countess
- Duchess
- Mabel
- Heresy
- Ethel
- Josephine
- Gower
- Burgundy
- Allison
- Beatrice
- Conrad
- Miranda
- Toulouse
- Daughter
- Ignacio
- Cornwallis
- Alps
- Gall
- Alp
- Tyrol
- Seton
- Keene
- Heretic
- Lillian
- Geoffrey
- Burg
- Philipp
- Benedict
- Frances
- Isabella
- Manners
- Norbert
- Edith
- Juliet
- Zurich
- Damian
- Constantine
CONSTANCE, proper noun. A female given name.
Dictionary definition
CONSTANCE, noun. A lake in southeastern Germany on the northern side of the Swiss Alps; forms part of the Rhine River.
CONSTANCE, noun. The council in 1414-1418 that succeeded in ending the Great Schism in the Roman Catholic Church.
Wise words
We should have a great fewer disputes in the world if words
were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only,
and not for things themselves.