Associations to the word «Zurich»
- Switzerland
- Bern
- Basel
- Lausanne
- Canton
- Geneva
- Swiss
- Munich
- Grasshopper
- Frankfurt
- Stuttgart
- Vienna
- Scala
- Düsseldorf
- Doctorate
- Jung
- Bonn
- Brussels
- Salzburg
- Premiership
- Strasbourg
- Hamburg
- Freiburg
- Heidelberg
- Cologne
- Philharmonic
- Artemis
- Leipzig
- Covent
- Amsterdam
- Innsbruck
- Berlin
- Heinrich
- Gesellschaft
- Federal
- Baden
- Milan
- Professorship
- Prague
- Rudolf
- Voltaire
- Frey
- Planck
- Cabaret
- Jakob
- Eugen
- Jena
- Ibm
- Copenhagen
- Budapest
- Philology
- Ulrich
- Einstein
- Stockholm
- Augsburg
- Reformation
- Mannheim
- Trieste
- Eduard
- Opera
- Liechtenstein
- Internationale
- Keller
- Luxembourg
- Dieter
- Graz
- Helsinki
- Classic
- Emil
- Rotterdam
- Oslo
- Gnome
- Darmstadt
- Gottfried
- Wiener
- Conservatory
- Lisbon
- Verdi
- Wien
- Hans
- Johannesburg
- Phd
- Institute
- Barcelona
- Biochemistry
- Bilbao
- Calvin
- Tokyo
- Constance
- Biennale
- Paris
ZURICH, proper noun. Alternative form of Zürich
ZÜRICH, proper noun. A city in Switzerland, on Lake Zürich, the capital of the canton of Zürich
ZÜRICH, proper noun. A canton of Switzerland
Dictionary definition
ZURICH, noun. The largest city in Switzerland; located in the northern part of the country; "Zurich is the center of the German-speaking part of Switzerland".
Wise words
Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before
you let it fall.