Associations to the word «Basel»
- Bern
- Freiburg
- Switzerland
- Kassel
- Zurich
- Lausanne
- Strasbourg
- Jakob
- Mannheim
- Canton
- Christoph
- Cites
- Erasmus
- Grasshopper
- Rhine
- Swiss
- Concordia
- Geneva
- Bishopric
- Ferrara
- Baden
- Frankfurt
- Bsc
- Alsace
- Biennale
- Kyoto
- Miami
- Gesellschaft
- Bis
- Philology
- Stuttgart
- Cologne
- Augsburg
- Europa
- Euler
- Constance
- Nietzsche
- Heidelberg
- Hoffmann
- Wien
- Rotterdam
- Düsseldorf
- Dortmund
- Cation
- Whaling
- Herder
- Zoo
- Innsbruck
- Sigismund
- Johann
- Johannes
- Roche
- Accord
- Bonn
- Rudolf
- Mainz
- Supervision
- Graz
- Professorship
- Banking
- Munich
- Waste
- Hamburg
- Evangelical
- Halle
- Bremen
- Frieze
- Essen
- Salzburg
- Reformation
- Theodor
- Armory
- Papacy
- Ernst
- Bayern
- Compact
- Konrad
- Vienna
- Kiel
- Protocol
- Padua
- Brussels
- Metz
- Fair
- Berlin
- Nuremberg
- Amsterdam
- Convention
- Middlesbrough
- Doctorate
- Convergence
BASEL, proper noun. A city in Switzerland.
Dictionary definition
BASEL, noun. A city in northwestern Switzerland.
Wise words
Hope is the word which God has written on the brow of every