Associations to the word «Fair»
FAIR, adjective. (literary or archaic) Beautiful, of a pleasing appearance, with a pure and fresh quality.
FAIR, adjective. Unblemished (figuratively or literally); clean and pure; innocent.
FAIR, adjective. Light in color, pale, particularly as regards skin tone but also referring to blond hair.
FAIR, adjective. Just, equitable.
FAIR, adjective. Adequate, reasonable, or decent.
FAIR, adjective. (nautical) (of a wind) Favorable to a ship's course.
FAIR, adjective. Not overcast; cloudless; clear; pleasant; propitious; said of the sky, weather, or wind, etc.
FAIR, adjective. Free from obstacles or hindrances; unobstructed; unencumbered; open; direct; said of a road, passage, etc.
FAIR, adjective. (shipbuilding) Without sudden change of direction or curvature; smooth; flowing; said of the figure of a vessel, and of surfaces, water lines, and other lines.
FAIR, adjective. (baseball) Between the baselines.
FAIR, noun. Something which is fair (in various senses of the adjective).
FAIR, noun. (obsolete) A woman, a member of the ‘fair sex’; also as a collective singular, women.
FAIR, noun. (obsolete) Fairness, beauty.
FAIR, noun. A fair woman; a sweetheart.
FAIR, noun. (obsolete) Good fortune; good luck.
FAIR, verb. To smoothen or even a surface (especially a connection or junction on a surface).
FAIR, verb. To bring into perfect alignment (especially about rivet holes when connecting structural members).
FAIR, verb. To construct or design a structure whose primary function is to produce a smooth outline or reduce air drag or water resistance.
FAIR, verb. (obsolete) To make fair or beautiful.
FAIR, adverb. Clearly; openly; frankly; civilly; honestly; favorably; auspiciously; agreeably.
FAIR, noun. A community gathering to celebrate and exhibit local achievements.
FAIR, noun. An event for public entertainment and trade, a market.
FAIR, noun. An event for professionals in a trade to learn of new products and do business.
FAIR, noun. A funfair, an amusement park.
FAIR AND SQUARE, adverb. (idiomatic) Totally fairly and undoubtedly.
FAIR AND SQUARE, adverb. (idiomatic) Within the applicable rules.
FAIR BALL, noun. (baseball) (softball) A ball which has been hit between the first base and third base lines
FAIR BALLS, noun. Plural of fair ball
FAIR BET, noun. An assumption that is likely to be true.
FAIR CATCH, noun. (American football) A uncontested catch on a kicking play, after the receiver waves his hand to indicate that he will not run with the ball, assuring that he will not be tackled on catching it.
FAIR CATCHES, noun. Plural of fair catch
FAIR COP, noun. A justifiable or reasonable capture or apprehension; also, broadly, a just or inescapable accusation.
FAIR COPY, noun. A handwritten document that has been written neatly and correctly without scratch-outs and revisions.
FAIR CRACK OF THE WHIP, interjection. (Australia) (colloquial) (informal) Fair go, fair suck of the sauce bottle; used as an appeal for reasonableness.
FAIR CRACK OF THE WHIP, noun. (UK) (colloquial) (informal) An equitable opportunity to achieve something; a fair go.
FAIR DINKUM, adjective. (Australia) (slang) Genuine, honest, fair and square.
FAIR DINKUM, adverb. (Australia) (slang) Truly, honestly.
FAIR DOS, interjection. (UK) (colloquial) fair enough
FAIR ENOUGH, interjection. (idiomatic) An expression used to concede a point; denotes that, upon consideration, something is correct or reasonable; an expression of acknowledgment or understanding.
FAIR GAME, noun. (idiomatic) Actions permissible by the rules.
FAIR GAME, noun. (idiomatic) A goal or an object that may legitimately be sought.
FAIR GAME, noun. (idiomatic) An acceptable subject of criticism, scrutiny, or mockery.
FAIR GAME, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see fair, game.: a game that is fair, that does not involve cheating, etc.
FAIR GO, interjection. (Australia) (informal) Used in protest to implore or demand that someone act with more fairness or reason, or desist in something considered outrageous.
FAIR GO, noun. (Australia) (NZ) (informal) A reasonable or equitable opportunity to attempt something.
FAIR GOS, noun. Plural of fair go
FAIR ISLE, noun. (knitting) A traditional knitting technique used to create patterns with multiple colours.
FAIR LINEN, noun. Linen of the highest quality, especially that suited for use on an altar. The use of other quality fabric is now more common.
FAIR MARKET VALUE, noun. (finance) The price at which the buyer and seller are willing to do business.
FAIR MARKET VALUES, noun. Plural of fair market value
FAIR OFF, verb. (meteorology) To clear
FAIR PLAY, noun. Good behavior, following the rules
FAIR SEX, noun. (idiomatic) (dated) (now sometimes offensive) Women collectively.
FAIR SUCK OF THE SAUCE BOTTLE, interjection. (Australia) (colloquial) (informal) Used to protest against unreasonableness, such as somebody taking more than their share.
FAIR SUCK OF THE SAV, interjection. (Australia) (New Zealand) (colloquial) (informal) Alternative form of fair suck of the sauce bottle
FAIR TO MIDDLIN', adjective. Alternative form of fair to middling
FAIR TO MIDDLING, adjective. (idiomatic) (usually hyphenated when placed before noun) Only tolerably good; somewhat favorable.
FAIR TRADE, noun. A system of trading promoting more equitable global trade, especially to sellers and producers in poorer areas, but also to the environment.
FAIR UP, verb. (meteorology) To clear
FAIR USE, noun. (legal): a doctrine in intellectual property law that permits one party to make use of another party's protected intellectual property (such as a copyright or trademark) under narrowly defined circumstances
FAIR USES, noun. Plural of fair use
FAIR VALUE, noun. (accounting) (economics) A rational, unbiased estimate of the potential market price of goods, services, or assets, taking into account both objective factors (such as production and distributions costs) and subjective factors (such as risks and supply vs. demand).
FAIR WEATHER FRIEND, noun. Alternative form of fair-weather friend
FAIR WIND, noun. (nautical) A wind blowing in the direction the sailor wants to go, ie. favourably. (Reference: Ray Parkin, H. M. Bark Endeavour, Miegunyah Press, second edition 2003, ISBN 0-522-85093-6, page 210.)
Dictionary definition
FAIR, noun. A traveling show; having sideshows and rides and games of skill etc..
FAIR, noun. Gathering of producers to promote business; "world fair"; "trade fair"; "book fair".
FAIR, noun. A competitive exhibition of farm products; "she won a blue ribbon for her baking at the county fair".
FAIR, noun. A sale of miscellany; often for charity; "the church bazaar".
FAIR, verb. Join so that the external surfaces blend smoothly.
FAIR, adverb. In conformity with the rules or laws and without fraud or cheating; "they played fairly".
FAIR, adverb. Without favoring one party, in a fair evenhanded manner; "deal fairly with one another".
FAIR, adjective. Free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; conforming with established standards or rules; "a fair referee"; "fair deal"; "on a fair footing"; "a fair fight"; "by fair means or foul".
FAIR, adjective. Not excessive or extreme; "a fairish income"; "reasonable prices".
FAIR, adjective. Very pleasing to the eye; "my bonny lass"; "there's a bonny bay beyond"; "a comely face"; "young fair maidens".
FAIR, adjective. (of a baseball) hit between the foul lines; "he hit a fair ball over the third base bag".
FAIR, adjective. Lacking exceptional quality or ability; "a novel of average merit"; "only a fair performance of the sonata"; "in fair health"; "the caliber of the students has gone from mediocre to above average"; "the performance was middling at best".
FAIR, adjective. Attractively feminine; "the fair sex".
FAIR, adjective. (of a manuscript) having few alterations or corrections; "fair copy"; "a clean manuscript".
FAIR, adjective. Gained or earned without cheating or stealing; "an honest wage"; "an fair penny".
FAIR, adjective. Free of clouds or rain; "today will be fair and warm".
FAIR, adjective. (used of hair or skin) pale or light-colored; "a fair complexion";.
Wise words
The short words are best, and the old words are the best of