Associations to the word «Stately»
- Dignified
- Majestic
- Graceful
- Lofty
- Imposing
- Gorgeous
- Solemn
- Spacious
- Goodly
- Magnificent
- Glittering
- Quaint
- Splendid
- Tall
- Elizabethan
- Handsome
- Marble
- Adorned
- Wondrous
- Leafy
- Elegant
- Princely
- Picturesque
- Sombre
- Noble
- Serene
- Proud
- Erect
- Velvet
- Bowing
- Gracious
- Haughty
- Venerable
- Courteous
- Gleaming
- Towering
- Regal
- Colossal
- Aristocratic
- Lovely
- Superb
- Silken
- Ornamented
- Placid
- Beautiful
STATELY, adjective. Of people: regal, dignified; worthy of respect.
STATELY, adjective. Of movement: dignified; deliberate, unhurried.
STATELY, adjective. Imposing; grand, impressive.
STATELY, adverb. In a stately manner.
Dictionary definition
STATELY, adjective. Impressive in appearance; "a baronial mansion"; "an imposing residence"; "a noble tree"; "severe-looking policemen sat astride noble horses"; "stately columns".
STATELY, adjective. Of size and dignity suggestive of a statue.
STATELY, adjective. Refined or imposing in manner or appearance; befitting a royal court; "a courtly gentleman".
Wise words
Actions speak louder than words.