Associations to the word «Courtesy»
- Politeness
- Gentleness
- Chivalry
- Eastman
- Kindness
- Tang
- Warlord
- Deference
- Britannica
- Nasa
- Marquess
- Dekker
- Etiquette
- Viscount
- Gale
- Dynasty
- Hospitality
- Tact
- Generosity
- Liang
- Wei
- Congress
- Senor
- Han
- Shu
- Acknowledgment
- Quixote
- Compliment
- Decency
- Refinement
- Valour
- Fairness
- Confucius
- Damsel
- Photograph
- Jin
- Salute
- Sancho
- Chancellor
- Propriety
- Peerage
- Photo
- Wu
- Formality
- Dignity
- Title
- Yuan
- Greeting
- Heir
- Sui
- Hostess
- Humility
- Whitney
- Breeding
- Dinosaur
- Reverence
- Honesty
- Liu
- Rochester
- Eldest
- Hobart
- Geraldine
COURTESY, noun. (uncountable) Polite behavior.
COURTESY, noun. (countable) A polite gesture or remark.
COURTESY, noun. (uncountable) Consent or agreement in spite of fact; indulgence.
COURTESY, noun. (uncountable) Willingness or generosity in providing something needed.
COURTESY, noun. A curtsey.
COURTESY, verb. Alternative form of curtsey
COURTESY, adjective. Given or done as a polite gesture.
COURTESY, adjective. Free of charge.
COURTESY CALL, noun. A usually symbolic formal meeting in which a diplomat or representative of a state pays a visit out of courtesy to a head of state or state office holder.
COURTESY CARD, noun. A loyalty card.
COURTESY COPY, noun. (originally) carbon copy
COURTESY COPY, noun. (Internet) A copy of an email sent to a person other than the main recipient
COURTESY NAME, noun. From Chinese culture, a given name to be used later in life in place of one's given name, as a symbol of adulthood and respect.
COURTESY NAMES, noun. Plural of courtesy name
COURTESY OF, preposition. Thanks to.
COURTESY OF, preposition. As given or allowed by
Dictionary definition
COURTESY, noun. A courteous or respectful or considerate act.
COURTESY, noun. A courteous or respectful or considerate remark.
COURTESY, noun. A courteous manner.
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.