Associations to the word «Dignified»
- Demeanor
- Calm
- Composure
- Rebuke
- Personage
- Elegance
- Appellation
- Manner
- Countenance
- Politeness
- Repose
- Gentle
- Simplicity
- Quiet
- Simple
- Gait
- Matron
- Grandeur
- Austerity
- Eloquence
- Noble
- Coachman
- Frock
- Dignity
- Aged
- Grave
- Seriousness
- Footman
- Garb
- Propriety
- Earnestness
- Firmness
- Moustache
- Attire
- Familiarity
- Stiff
- Pathos
- Gentleman
- Formality
- Wig
- Courtesy
- Efficient
- Attitude
- Stately
- Courteous
- Graceful
- Manly
- Majestic
- Respectful
- Imposing
- Genial
- Venerable
- Serene
- Solemn
- Austere
- Haughty
- Lofty
- Gracious
- Erect
- Bearing
- Restrained
- Aloof
- Calm
- Discreet
- Handsome
- Exalted
- Pathetic
- Boyish
- Elegant
- Modest
- Haired
- Refined
- Sober
- Amiable
- Impressive
- Noble
- Aristocratic
- Polite
- Virtuous
- Respectable
- Grave
- Placid
- Thoughtful
- Unworthy
- Elderly
- Proud
- Reserved
- Tall
- Offended
- Quaint
- Humble
- Stern
- Polished
- Quiet
- Bowing
- Honourable
- Insulting
DIGNIFIED, adjective. Respectable
DIGNIFIED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of dignify
Dictionary definition
DIGNIFIED, adjective. Having or expressing dignity; especially formality or stateliness in bearing or appearance; "her dignified demeanor"; "the director of the school was a dignified white-haired gentleman".
DIGNIFIED, adjective. Having or showing self-esteem.
Wise words
Man is a creature who lives not upon bread alone, but
principally by catch words.