Associations to the word «Demeanor»
- Haughty
- Respectful
- Dignified
- Calm
- Courteous
- Arrogant
- Austere
- Cheerful
- Stern
- Somber
- Icy
- Modest
- Relaxed
- Amiable
- Polite
- Resolute
- Shy
- Casual
- Quiet
- Mis
- Outward
- Humble
- Softened
- Confident
- Tranquil
- Habitual
- Gentle
- Sober
- Sarcastic
- Reassuring
- Outspoken
- Graceful
- Cool
- Nonsense
- Fiery
- Pleasant
- Aggressive
- Childish
- Awkward
- Reassured
- Friendly
- Reserved
- Grave
- Serious
- Innate
- Ruthless
- Wry
- Bland
- Grim
- Refined
- Calculating
- Haired
- Tough
- Hunched
- Erect
- August
DEMEANOR, noun. The social, non-verbal behaviours (such as body language and facial expressions) that are characteristic of a person.
Dictionary definition
DEMEANOR, noun. (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people.
Wise words
The most important things are the hardest things to say.
They are the things you get ashamed of because words
diminish your feelings - words shrink things that seem
timeless when they are in your head to no more than living
size when they are brought out.