Associations to the word «Countenance»
- Squire
- Dignity
- Manner
- Complexion
- Importation
- Visage
- Invocation
- Serenity
- Expression
- Superstition
- Heresy
- Benevolence
- Stature
- Composure
- Solemnity
- Ferocity
- Sancho
- Quixote
- Sanction
- Gentleness
- Pale
- Obstruction
- Sweetness
- Mirth
- Countenance
- Abode
- Grimace
- Softness
- Proceeding
- Gait
- Endeavour
- Firmness
- Approbation
- Brow
- Sadness
- Wrinkle
- Demeanor
- Consternation
- Smiling
- Buddhism
- Indignation
- Gloom
- Perceiving
- Noble
- Hereby
- Unlawful
- Ruddy
- Abolition
- Expressive
- Serene
- Manly
- Sorrowful
- Cheerful
- Ghastly
- Placid
- Melancholy
- Radiant
- Forbidding
- Pleasing
- Stern
- Mournful
- Haughty
- Habitual
- Tranquil
- Clouded
- Amiable
- Gloomy
- Austere
- Flushed
- Resolute
- Rosy
- Dignified
- Handsome
- Benevolent
- Bland
- Sombre
- Genial
- Blush
- Hideous
- Ferocious
- Thoughtful
- Frank
- Sinister
- Wan
- Sullen
- Homely
COUNTENANCE, noun. Appearance, especially the features and expression of the face.
COUNTENANCE, noun. Favour; support; encouragement.
COUNTENANCE, noun. (obsolete) Superficial appearance; show; pretense.
COUNTENANCE, verb. (transitive) To tolerate, support, sanction, patronise or approve of something.
Dictionary definition
COUNTENANCE, noun. The appearance conveyed by a person's face; "a pleasant countenance"; "a stern visage".
COUNTENANCE, noun. Formal and explicit approval; "a Democrat usually gets the union's endorsement".
COUNTENANCE, noun. The human face (`kisser' and `smiler' and `mug' are informal terms for `face' and `phiz' is British).
COUNTENANCE, verb. Consent to, give permission; "She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband"; "I won't let the police search her basement"; "I cannot allow you to see your exam".
Wise words
Pass no rash condemnation on other peoples words or actions.