Associations to the word «Homely»
- Proverb
- Pathos
- Familiar
- Garb
- Simple
- Fare
- Simplicity
- Complexion
- Elegance
- Sweetness
- Piety
- Magnificence
- Countenance
- Rough
- Eloquence
- Charm
- Cottage
- Phrase
- Hearer
- Looking
- Wordsworth
- Peasantry
- Shepherd
- Beauty
- Comfort
- Brilliant
- Sod
- Parlour
- Hearth
- Cupboard
- Honesty
- Plain
- Delicacy
- Pomp
- Loving
- Surrounding
- Wit
- Tenderness
- Dress
- Kindness
- Virtue
- Relish
- Muse
- Hospitality
- Garment
- Scenery
- Odor
- Knitting
- Bower
- Idiom
- Pulpit
- Quaint
- Rustic
- Coarse
- Shrewd
- Awkward
- Genial
- Kindly
- Commonplace
- Vulgar
- Rude
- Humble
- Pleasant
- Cheerful
- Hospitable
- Unaffected
- Plain
- Picturesque
- Wholesome
- Honest
- Exquisite
- Handsome
- Shabby
- Ugly
- Stately
- Simple
- Wrinkled
- Vivid
- Pathetic
- Comfortable
- Familiar
- Manly
- Refined
- Hearty
- Furnished
- Hideous
- Monotonous
- Comforted
- Delightful
- Beautiful
- Rough
- Boyish
- Cordial
- Graceful
- Cute
HOMELY, adjective. (dated) Lacking in beauty or elegance, plain in appearance, physically unattractive.
HOMELY, adjective. (archaic) Characteristic of or belonging to home; domestic. [from early 14th c.]
HOMELY, adjective. (UK dialectal) On intimate or friendly terms with (someone); familiar; at home (with a person); intimate.
HOMELY, adjective. (UK dialectal) (of animals) Domestic; tame.
HOMELY, adjective. (UK dialectal) Personal; private.
HOMELY, adjective. (UK dialectal) Friendly; kind; gracious; cordial.
HOMELY, adjective. (archaic) Simple; plain; familiar; unelaborate; unadorned. [from late 14th c.]
Dictionary definition
HOMELY, adjective. Lacking in physical beauty or proportion; "a homely child"; "several of the buildings were downright homely"; "a plain girl with a freckled face".
HOMELY, adjective. Having a feeling of home; cozy and comfortable; "the homely everyday atmosphere"; "a homey little inn".
HOMELY, adjective. Plain and unpretentious; "homely truths"; "letters to his son full of homely advice"; "homely fare".
HOMELY, adjective. Without artificial refinement or elegance; "plain homely furniture"; "homely manners".
Wise words
Words are but symbols for the relations of things to one
another and to us; nowhere do they touch upon absolute