Associations to the word «Pulpit»
- Pew
- Font
- Sermon
- Chancel
- Preaching
- Preacher
- Orator
- Altar
- Eloquence
- Nave
- Decker
- Oratory
- Bully
- Communion
- Parishioner
- Aisle
- Congregation
- Unitarian
- Furnishing
- Parson
- Pisum
- Hearer
- Clergyman
- Tabernacle
- Stall
- Pastor
- Carving
- Siena
- Crucifix
- Transept
- Evangelist
- Loft
- Choir
- Sabbath
- Rabbi
- Cushion
- Clergy
- Nicola
- Canopy
- Sprague
- Puritan
- Discourse
- Presbyterian
- Marble
- Synagogue
- Baroque
- Desk
- Methodist
- Organ
- Mosque
- Sunday
- Chapel
- Cathedral
- Sanctuary
- Utterance
- Niche
- Church
- Railing
- Bench
- Frieze
- Reverend
- Fitting
- Pillar
- Denomination
- Hymn
- Bible
- Interior
- Curate
- Gospel
- Seating
PULPIT, noun. A raised platform in a church, usually enclosed, where the minister or preacher stands to conduct the sermon.
PULPIT, noun. A desk or platform for an orator or public speaker.
PULPIT, noun. (nautical) The railing at the bow of a boat, which sometimes extends past the deck. It is sometimes referred to as bow pulpit. The railing at the stern of the boat is sometimes referred to as as stern pulpit; other texts use the perhaps more appropriate term pushpit.
Dictionary definition
PULPIT, noun. A platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it.
Wise words
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is
essential is invisible to the eye.