Associations to the word «Evangelist»


EVANGELIST, noun. (Christianity) An itinerant or special preacher, especially a revivalist, who conducts services in different cities or locations, now often televised.
EVANGELIST, noun. (Bible) A writer of a gospel, especially the four New Testament Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), usually Evangelist.
EVANGELIST, noun. (primitive Church) A person who first brought the gospel to a city or region.
EVANGELIST, noun. (Mormon Church) A patriarch
EVANGELIST, noun. A person marked by extreme enthusiasm for or support of any cause, particularly with regard to religion.
EVANGELIST, noun. (biblical) A writer of a gospel, especially the four New Testament Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), (also evangelist.)

Dictionary definition

EVANGELIST, noun. A preacher of the Christian gospel.
EVANGELIST, noun. (when capitalized) any of the spiritual leaders who are assumed to be authors of the Gospels in the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Wise words

Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause.
Victor Hugo