Associations to the word «Decorate»
- Wehrmacht
- Frieze
- Stucco
- Fresco
- Cornice
- Mosaic
- Mural
- Carving
- Ornament
- Motif
- Facade
- Embroidery
- Exterior
- Plaster
- Tile
- Pottery
- Enamel
- Ceiling
- Depicting
- Luftwaffe
- Medallion
- Tapestry
- Valor
- Gable
- Vase
- Cupola
- Wreath
- Portico
- Bravery
- Bead
- Nave
- Niche
- Garland
- Figurine
- Decoration
- Ceramics
- Molding
- Porcelain
- Croix
- Chancel
- Altar
- Bunting
- Ribbon
- Deco
- Urn
- Interior
- Baroque
- Hanging
- Arch
- Pedestal
- Parapet
- Pulpit
- Palazzo
- Sculpture
- Trophi
DECORATE, verb. (transitive) To furnish with decorations.
DECORATE, verb. (transitive) To improve the appearance of an interior of a house, room, office and so forth.
DECORATE, verb. (computing) (transitive) (In some programming languages) To extend a method, etc. by attaching some further code item.
Dictionary definition
DECORATE, verb. Make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.; "Decorate the room for the party"; "beautify yourself for the special day".
DECORATE, verb. Be beautiful to look at; "Flowers adorned the tables everywhere".
DECORATE, verb. Award a mark of honor, such as a medal, to; "He was decorated for his services in the military".
DECORATE, verb. Provide with decoration; "dress the windows".
Wise words
Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your
words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they
become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your
character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.