Associations to the word «Decker»
- Volvo
- Triple
- Double
- Pulpit
- Bus
- Tennyson
- Chassis
- Pau
- Worcester
- Pew
- Stagecoach
- Axle
- Lockhart
- Tram
- Gemini
- Clinch
- Bronco
- Intercom
- Kirk
- Tramway
- Dennis
- Daphne
- Frigate
- Platt
- Chaim
- Carol
- Trafalgar
- Manning
- Trademark
- Deck
- Paige
- Lds
- Armand
- Lorry
- Bunk
- Brooklyn
- Peyton
- Harlow
- Commuter
- Garcia
- Commodore
- Hauling
- Josephine
- Chuck
- Coach
- Pounder
- Ephraim
- Three
- Hamburger
- Roderick
- Fleet
- Eric
- Sandwich
- Jessie
- Hms
- Tanner
- Mercedes
- Curl
- Gopher
- Jesse
- Blackpool
- Stanley
- Communicator
- Lars
- Tile
- Latch
- Albion
- Natalia
- Chekov
- Everett
- Tenement
- Transit
- Boone
- Kendall
- Clyde
- Gun
- Eclipse
- Flagship
- Gurney
- Hawthorne
- Seating
- Trailer
- Vatican
- Towers
DECKER, noun. One who, or that which, decks or adorns; a coverer.
DECKER, noun. (used in conjunction with a number) Something having numerous levels.
DECKER, proper noun. A surname.
Dictionary definition
DECKER, noun. English dramatist and pamphleteer (1572-1632).
DECKER, noun. (often used in combinations) something constructed with multiple levels; "they rode in a double-decker bus".
Wise words
A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there
is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to
take away.