Associations to the word «Brooklyn»
- Dodger
- Williamsburg
- Staten
- Queens
- Bronx
- Manhattan
- Ny
- Yeshiva
- Bridegroom
- Fulton
- Pratt
- Chinatown
- Subway
- Nyc
- New
- Bedford
- York
- Pennant
- Borough
- Harlem
- Parkway
- Tabernacle
- Baseman
- Malley
- Waterfront
- Net
- Outfielder
- Yankee
- Avenue
- Shortstop
- Neighborhood
- Flushing
- Chaim
- Westchester
- Nl
- Cypress
- Philharmonic
- Trolley
- Catcher
- Streetcar
- Jackie
- Grounds
- Terrier
- Erasmus
- Greene
- Capo
- Kings
- Myrtle
- Brighton
- Nassau
- Handicap
- Giant
- Fielder
- Newark
- Maestro
- Pitcher
- Oriole
- Lambda
- Cyclone
- Rabbi
- Cincinnati
- Born
- Brave
- Ferry
- Whitman
- Montague
- Broadway
- Hodges
- Expressway
- Decker
- Transit
- Indie
- Hitter
- Bridge
- Baseball
- Whitney
- Rapper
- Cub
- Eagle
- Height
- Jewish
- Utrecht
- Precinct
- Cemetery
- Salvatore
- Prospect
- Synagogue
- Lafayette
- Immigrant
- Pittsburgh
- Museum
BROOKLYN, proper noun. A borough of New York City. It is located on the western end of Long Island.
BROOKLYN, proper noun. A female given name of modern usage, also spelled Brooklynn.
BROOKLYN BRIDGE, proper noun. A suspension bridge in New York, connecting boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn by spanning the East River.
Dictionary definition
BROOKLYN, noun. A borough of New York City.
Wise words
Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.