Associations to the word «Ny»
- Doubleday
- Cornell
- Cr
- Rochester
- Albany
- Routing
- Prometheus
- Syracuse
- Hamlet
- Brooklyn
- Westchester
- Schuster
- Fax
- Amherst
- Rochelle
- Bronx
- Saratoga
- Alignment
- Mcgraw
- Staten
- Woodstock
- Nj
- Nyc
- Parkway
- Niagara
- Concurrency
- Expressway
- Terminus
- Intersection
- Buffalo
- Overlap
- Wiley
- Turnpike
- Interchange
- Outpatient
- York
- Queens
- Junction
- Eastman
- Roadway
- Erie
- New
- Seneca
- Mohawk
- Ave
- Crosse
- Dekker
- Avenue
- Alcoholism
- Bridgeport
- Ct
- Swap
- Flushing
- Moniker
- Acad
- Harlem
- Dover
- Nassau
- Springer
- Susquehanna
- Batavia
- Highway
- Connector
- Hudson
- Exit
- Huntington
- Route
- Gallery
- Guggenheim
- Falls
- Potsdam
- Jamestown
- Scholastic
- Fulton
- Whitney
- Boulevard
- Bypass
- Beatles
- Champlain
- Troy
- Macmillan
NY, proper noun. New York (New York State), a state of the United States of America.
NY, proper noun. New York (New York City), a city in the United States of America.
NY, proper noun. North Yorkshire, a county in England.
NY, verb. Obsolete spelling of nigh
Dictionary definition
NY, noun. A Mid-Atlantic state; one of the original 13 colonies.
Wise words
Pass no rash condemnation on other peoples words or actions.