Associations to the word «New»


NEW, adjective. Recently made, or created.
NEW, adjective. Additional; recently discovered.
NEW, adjective. Current or later, as opposed to former.
NEW, adjective. Used to distinguish something established more recently, named after something or some place previously existing.
NEW, adjective. In original condition; pristine; not previously worn or used.
NEW, adjective. Refreshed, reinvigorated, reformed.
NEW, adjective. Young.
NEW, adjective. Of recent origin; having taken place recently.
NEW, adjective. Strange, unfamiliar or not previously known.
NEW, adjective. Recently arrived or appeared.
NEW, adjective. Inexperienced or unaccustomed at some task.
NEW, adjective. (of a period of time) Next; about to begin or recently begun.
NEW, adverb. Newly (especially in composition).
NEW, adverb. As new; from scratch.
NEW, noun. Things that are new.
NEW, noun. (Australia) A kind of light beer.
NEW, noun. (in plural) See news.
NEW, verb. (obsolete) To make new; to renew.
NEW, adjective. In place names, a prefix added to the name of a newly established place, intended to convey that the newly established place will share some characteristic of an older place for which the new place is named.
NEW AGE, adjective. Of or relating to a broad movement in Western culture, covering a wide variety of alternative spiritual and philosophical ideas, often spirituality, mysticism, holism, and environmentalism, and partially based on eastern religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism, that developed towards the end of the 20th century.
NEW AGE, adjective. Of or relating to New Age music.
NEW AGE, noun. A modern spiritual and religious movement.
NEW AGE, noun. New Age music.
NEW AGE, noun. (often capitalized) A modern spiritual and religious movement, covering a wide variety of alternative spiritual and philosophical ideas, that developed towards the end of the 20th century.
NEW AGE, noun. New Age music.
NEW AGE, adjective. (often capitalized) Of or relating to the New Age movement.
NEW AGE, adjective. Of or relating to New Age music.
NEW AGE MUSIC, noun. A genre of music of a mystical nature, associated with New Age philosophies, usually in a style of meditative world music that uses the sounds of nature as musical elements.
NEW AGE TRAVELLER, noun. (British) A member of a community of people, many of whom hold New Age beliefs, who travel among fairs and music festivals.
NEW AGE TRAVELLER, noun. Alternative form of New Age traveller
NEW AGEISM, noun. New Age beliefs and practices generally.
NEW AGEIST, noun. New Ager
NEW AGEISTS, noun. Plural of New Ageist
NEW AGER, noun. One who has New Age beliefs.
NEW AGERS, noun. Plural of New Ager
NEW AGEY, adjective. (informal) Pertaining to, or suggesting, New Age beliefs.
NEW ALBION, proper noun. (historical) All of the territory of North America north of New Spain, as claimed by Sir Francis Drake for England in 1579.
NEW AMERICAN, adjective. Belonging to a style of modern American fusion cuisine originating in the 1980s, with innovative use of seasoning and sauces.
NEW AMERICAN, noun. A supporter of the New American Movement, a left-wing political movement founded in 1971.
NEW AMERICAN, noun. A supporter of the New American Independent Party, a political party founded in 2004.
NEW AMERICANS, noun. Plural of New American
NEW AMSTERDAM, proper noun. (historical) The Dutch colonial settlement that later became New York City.
NEW ATHEISM, noun. A form of atheism that promotes active opposition to religion, rather than toleration.
NEW ATHEIST, noun. A strident atheist who models themselves after atheist activists
NEW ATHEISTS, noun. Plural of new atheist
NEW ATHOS, proper noun. A town in Abkhazia
NEW BALL, noun. (cricket) A cricket ball never previously used in a match; a replacement new cricket ball taken by the captain of the bowling side at certain specified times during an innings.
NEW BALL, noun. (tennis) Any of a set of replacement tennis balls issued at specified times in the professional game.
NEW BALLS, noun. Plural of new ball
NEW BEAT, noun. Any of various styles of electronic music that arose and flourished in the 1980s.
NEW BEDFORD, proper noun. A city in Massachusetts, United States
NEW BRITAIN, proper noun. An island of Papua New Guinea.
NEW BRITAIN, proper noun. A city in Connecticut
NEW BRITAIN, proper noun. A borough in Pennsylvania
NEW BROOM, noun. A new leader or management.
NEW BROOMS, noun. Plural of new broom
NEW BRUNSWICK, proper noun. A province in eastern Canada with capital Fredericton.
NEW BRUNSWICK, proper noun. An unincorporated community in Indiana
NEW BRUNSWICK, proper noun. A city in New Jersey
NEW BRUNSWICKER, noun. A native or inhabitant of New Brunswick, Canada.
NEW BRUNSWICKERS, noun. Plural of New Brunswicker
NEW CALEDONIA, proper noun. Overseas territory of France in Oceania. Official name: Territory of New Caledonia and Dependencies.
NEW CALEDONIA, proper noun. (historical) A district of the west coast of British North America traded by the Hudson's Bay Company. It became the colony of British Columbia in 1858.
NEW CALEDONIA, proper noun. (historical) A short-lived (1698-1700) Scottish colony in Panama, around Darien (which was renamed New Edinburgh as its capital)
NEW CALEDONIAN, adjective. Of, from, or pertaining to New Caledonia (either sense), its people or language.
NEW CALEDONIAN, noun. A person from New Caledonia (iether sense) or of New Caledonian descent.
NEW CALEDONIANS, noun. Plural of New Caledonian
NEW CASTILE, proper noun. A Spanish governorate in South America that existed from 1528 to 1542.
NEW CHRISTIAN, noun. (historical) One of the Iberian Muslims and Jews who converted to Roman Catholicism, or their known baptized descendants.
NEW CHRISTIANS, noun. Plural of New Christian
NEW CHUM, noun. (Australia) (archaic) A newly arrived convict.
NEW CHUM, noun. (Australia) A beginner, a novice.
NEW CHUM, noun. (Australia) (chiefly dated) (mildly derogatory) A newly arrived and inexperienced immigrant; a newcomer.
NEW CHUMS, noun. Plural of new chum
NEW COCOYAM, noun. The cocoyam Xanthosoma sagittifolium (or other Xanthosoma), so called to distinguish it from old cocoyam.
NEW COMMANDMENT, proper noun. (Christianity) Jesus Christ's exhortation to "love one another", part of the final instructions given to his disciples after the Last Supper.
NEW COVENANT, proper noun. (Christianity) An interpretation of the Bible, originally derived from a phrase in the Book of Jeremiah, and often thought of as an eschatological Messianic Age or world to come.
NEW CRITICISM, proper noun. A movement in literary theory that dominated American literary criticism in the middle of the 20th century, emphasizing close reading, particularly of poetry, to discover how a work functions as a self-contained, self-referential aesthetic object.
NEW DEALISM, noun. The politics associated with the New Deal, a series of domestic programs enacted in the United States between 1933 and 1938 in response to the Great Depression, focusing on relief, recovery, and reform.
NEW DELHI, proper noun. National capital of India, located in the national capital territory of Delhi.
NEW DEM, noun. New Democrat
NEW DEMOCRAT, noun. (Canada) (politics) a member of the New Democratic Party
NEW DEMOCRATIC, adjective. (Canada) (politics) pertaining to the policies of the New Democratic Party
NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY, proper noun. (Canada) (politics) A Canadian political party which fields candidates in both provincial and federal elections, founded in 1961
NEW DEMOCRATS, noun. Plural of New Democrat
NEW DENMARK, proper noun. A rural community in New Brunswick, Canada
NEW DENMARK, proper noun. A town in Wisconsin, USA
NEW EDINBURGH, proper noun. (history) The capital of the short-lived Scottish colony of New Caledonia (1698–1700), now Sukunya, a.k.a. Puerto Escocés (Spanish for “Port Scotland”).
NEW EDINBURGH, proper noun. A community founded in 1783, currently located in the District of Clare, Digby County, in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia.
NEW EDINBURGH, proper noun. A settlement in the Canadian province of Ontario, established in 1829, incorporated as a village of that name in 1867, and annexed by the City of Ottawa in 1887, of which it now forms a neighbourhood in its Rideau-Rockcliffe Ward. (The affluent neighbourhood is notable as the location of the official residences of both the Governor General and the Prime Minister of Canada.)
NEW ENGLAND, proper noun. (US) Collectively, the six states of the United States colonized by the English in the 17th century, namely Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.
NEW ENGLAND, proper noun. (Australia) a loosely defined region in the north of the state of New South Wales.
NEW ENGLAND, proper noun. A city in North Dakota
NEW ENGLAND CLAM CHOWDER, noun. A variety of clam chowder that is white due to being made with cream and potatoes
NEW ENGLANDER, noun. A person from New England.
NEW ENGLANDY, adjective. Similar to or reminiscent of New England.
NEW ENGLISH, proper noun. The form of the English language spoken since the Great Vowel Shift in England, completed in roughly 1550; Modern English.
NEW FANGLED, adjective. (rare) Modern; recently invented: Alternative spelling of newfangled
NEW FOREST, proper noun. A national park in Wiltshire and Hampshire, southern England.
NEW FOREST PONY, noun. A horse of a breed indigenous to the New Forest, in Hampshire, England.
NEW FORESTER, noun. A New Forest pony
NEW FORESTER, noun. Someone who lives in the New Forest
NEW FRANCE, proper noun. (historical) France's former possessions and colonies in North America, including Quebec, Acadia, and Louisiana, before 1763.
NEW GENERAL CATALOGUE, proper noun. (astronomy): A catalogue of deep sky objects compiled in the 1880s by J. L. E. Dreyer using observations mostly from William Herschel. It contains nearly 8,000 objects, known as the NGC objects. Objects in the catalogue are numbered, and the letters NGC are prepended to these numbers, as in NGC 224 (the Andromeda Galaxy) or NGC 6205 (the globular cluster in Hercules).
NEW GRANADA, proper noun. (historical) A nation in South America corresponding to present-day Colombia.
NEW GUINEA, proper noun. A large Oceanian island in the Pacific Ocean, north of Australia, whose territory is divided between Indonesia in the west and Papua New Guinea in the east.
NEW GUINEA, proper noun. (historical) the northern part of what is now called Papua New Guinea, formerly administered as a separate territory to Papua.
NEW GUINEA, proper noun. (informal) the nation more properly referred to as Papua New Guinea.
NEW GUINEA FLIGHTLESS RAIL, noun. A bird from the family Rallidae, Megacrex inepta.
NEW GUINEA FLIGHTLESS RAILS, noun. Plural of New Guinea flightless rail
NEW HAMPSHIRE, proper noun. A state of the United States of America Capital: Concord.
NEW HAMPSHIRITE, noun. An inhabitant or a resident of the state of New Hampshire.
NEW HAMPSHIRITES, noun. Plural of New Hampshirite
NEW HEBRIDES, proper noun. A group of islands in the Pacific, now forming the state of Vanuatu.
NEW HIGH GERMAN, proper noun. The modern form of the German language, successor to Early New High German.
NEW HISTORICISM, noun. A school of literary theory developed in the 1980s, aiming simultaneously to understand a work through its cultural context and to understand intellectual history through literature.
NEW HOLLAND, proper noun. (obsolete) The continent and the country of Australia.
NEW IONIAN, proper noun. New Ionic
NEW IONIC, proper noun. The later form of the Greek Ionic dialect, used after circa 600 BC.
NEW IRELAND, proper noun. An island of the Bismarck Archipelago, a German colony from 1884 to 1921; governed by Australia from 1921 and then by Papua New Guinea from 1975 to the present day.
NEW JACK SWING, noun. A variety of swingbeat dance music combining elements of rhythm and blues, soul music, hip hop and rap.
NEW JERSEY, proper noun. A northeast state of the United States of America. Capital: Trenton.
NEW JERSEY BARRIER, noun. Alternative form of Jersey barrier
NEW JERSEY BARRIERS, noun. Plural of New Jersey barrier
NEW JERSEY PLAN, proper noun. A 1787 proposal for the structure of the United States Government
NEW JERSEY TEA, noun. Ceanothus americanus, a North American shrub whose leaves were once used as a substitute for tea.
NEW JERSEYITE, noun. Someone living in, or associated with, New Jersey.
NEW JERSEYITES, noun. Plural of New Jerseyite
NEW JILL SWING, noun. New jack swing music by female performers
NEW JOURNALISM, proper noun. A style of news writing and journalism of the 1960s and 1970s, employing literary techniques deemed unconventional at the time.
NEW KID ON THE BLOCK, noun. Someone or something new to an existing community.
NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK, noun. Plural of new kid on the block
NEW LABOUR, proper noun. A movement to rebrand the British Labour Party by discarding traditional goals (such as nationalization and socialism)
NEW LAD, noun. (British) A sexist young man who embraces traditional male attitudes
NEW LADDISH, adjective. (British) Having the characteristics of a new lad.
NEW LADS, noun. Plural of new lad
NEW LATIN, proper noun. The Latin language spoken and written after the Middle Ages, including Renaissance Latin, Ecclesiastical Latin, and Contemporary Latin.
NEW LEASE ON LIFE, noun. An opportunity to live longer than was expected, due to some kind of reprieve.
NEW LEASE ON LIFE, noun. Figuratively, an opportunity to an improved quality of life, due to some change in circumstances.
NEW LOW GERMAN, proper noun. The modern stage of the Low German language, distinguished from its predecessor stages such as Middle Low German.
NEW MAN, noun. A man who, rejecting sexist attitudes and traditional conceptions of masculinity, aims to be caring and sensitive, and to take a substantial role in the domestic routine.
NEW MATH, noun. (pejorative) The methodology used to arrive at an unreasonably incorrect answer for a mathematical calculation.
NEW MEDIA, noun. Interactive digital media, such as the Internet, as opposed to traditional media such as print and television.
NEW MEXICAN, adjective. Of, or pertaining to, New Mexico or its culture.
NEW MEXICAN, noun. An inhabitant or a resident of the state of New Mexico.
NEW MEXICANS, noun. Plural of New Mexican
NEW MEXICO, proper noun. A state of the United States of America Capital: Santa Fe. Largest city: Albuquerque.
NEW MONEY, noun. Persons or families that have recently become wealthy.
NEW MOON, noun. The phase of the moon when it is in conjunction with the sun.
NEW MOON, noun. The moon when it is in conjunction with the sun.
NEW MOON, noun. The phase of the moon when it is waxing.
NEW MOON, noun. The moon when it is waxing.
NEW MOON, noun. The day when the new moon is first seen or is expected to appear.
NEW MOONS, noun. Plural of new moon
NEW MYSTERIANISM, noun. A philosophical position proposing that the hard problem of consciousness cannot be resolved by humans.
NEW NAKHICHEVAN, proper noun. Synonym of Nakhichevan-on-Don.
NEW NETHERLAND, proper noun. (historical) A Dutch colonial province along the east coast of North America, capital New Amsterdam
NEW NORWAY, proper noun. A hamlet in Alberta, Canada
NEW NORWEGIAN, proper noun. Nynorsk; Norwegian Nynorsk
NEW ORLEANIAN, adjective. Of, or relating to New Orleans, Louisiana
NEW ORLEANIAN, noun. A native or inhabitant of New Orleans
NEW ORLEANS, proper noun. The largest city in the State of Louisiana in the United States of America, an industrial and distribution center and major seaport located along the Mississippi near the Gulf of Mexico, known for its rich cultural heritage, especially its music and cuisine.
NEW PANAMAX, adjective. Description applied to ships that exceed the maximum dimensions of a Panamax ship, but that still conform to the maximum dimensions laid down for the New Panama Canal.
NEW PENCE, noun. Plural of new penny
NEW PENNIES, noun. Plural of new penny
NEW PENNY, noun. (British) (dated) Following decimalisation, the name given to the coin worth one hundredth of a pound sterling; now known simply as the penny. Symbol: p
NEW PERSIAN, proper noun. The stage of the Persian language that follows Middle Persian, formally beginning with the Islamic conquest (8th century), and first attested at the end of the 9th century. Distinguished from Middle Persian by extensive borrowing of vocabulary.
NEW POLITICS, noun. (historical) (1950s) (US) (politics) The ideology of the U.S. Democratic Party during the 1950s.
NEW POLITICS, noun. (historical) (1960s) (US) (politics) A movement in the U.S. Democratic Party associated with the candidacies of Eugene J. McCarthy and Robert F. Kennedy and later George McGovern, which demanded an immediate withdrawal of U.S. forces from the Vietnam War.
NEW POMERANIA, proper noun. Former name of New Britain. Used when the island was part of German New Guinea.
NEW POTATO, noun. One of the earliest potatoes of a new crop.
NEW POTATOES, noun. Plural of new potato
NEW PRUSSIAN, adjective. Of or pertaining to the New Prussian language
NEW PRUSSIAN, adjective. (rare) of or pertaining to the people that speak the New Prussian language
NEW PRUSSIAN, proper noun. The modern reconstruction of the Old Prussian language, spoken by pilot communities in Lithuania, Poland, and elsewhere.
NEW RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT, noun. (religion) (abbreviated NRM) a religious community or spiritual group of modern origins, which has a peripheral place within its nation's dominant religious culture.
NEW RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS, noun. Plural of new religious movement
NEW ROMANTIC, noun. A person involved in the New Romanticism movement.
NEW ROMANTICISM, proper noun. A youth fashion movement that peaked in the United Kingdom during the early 1980s, associated with synthpop music and flamboyant and sometimes androgynous attire.
NEW ROMANTICS, noun. Plural of New Romantic
NEW SCHOOL, noun. (informal) (idiomatic) A style, way of thinking, or method for accomplishing a task that is typical of the current era, as opposed to former eras.
NEW SHEKEL, noun. Alternative form of new sheqel
NEW SHEKELS, noun. Plural of new shekel
NEW SHEQALIM, noun. Plural of new sheqel
NEW SHEQEL, noun. The official designation of the Israeli currency since 1 January 1986 (in order to distinguish it from the abolished 1980-1985 sheqel). Divided into 100 agorot and represented by ₪. In English, also represented by the initialism NIS (for "New Israeli Sheqel"). ISO 4217 code: ILS.
NEW SHEQELS, noun. Plural of new sheqel
NEW SIBERIAN ISLANDS, proper noun. An archipelago in the Arctic Ocean in the north of Russia, in the East Siberian Sea.
NEW SOUTH WALES, proper noun. One of the six states of Australia, situated in the south-eastern part of the continent, with its capital at Sydney.
NEW SOUTH WALES, proper noun. (historical) (1770 - 1850s) The original name conferred on Australia by Captain James Cook, and used to describe the entire eastern portion of the continent.
NEW SOUTH WALES, proper noun. (historical) (1788 - 1901) The colony that was founded in 1788, which grew progressively smaller as other colonies were separated from it, and became a state in 1901.
NEW STANDARD, noun. (idiomatic) Something that is set when someone does the unthinkable, or does something better than anyone else.
NEW STONE AGE, proper noun. The Neolithic period.
NEW TAIPEI, proper noun. New Taipei City, the most populous city in Taiwan, located on the northern part of the island.
NEW TAIWAN DOLLAR, noun. The currency of Taiwan.
NEW TAIWAN DOLLAR, noun. Numbered list item
NEW TAIWAN DOLLARS, noun. Plural of New Taiwan dollar
NEW TESTAMENT, proper noun. The second half of the Christian Bible, includes the four Gospels, the Book of Acts, the Epistles, and the Book of Revelation.
NEW THOUGHT, proper noun. A spiritual movement, sometimes classed as a Christian denomination, promoting the ideas that Infinite Intelligence, or God, is everywhere, spirit is the totality of real things, true human selfhood is divine, divine thought is a force for good, sickness originates in the mind, and "right thinking" has a healing effect.
NEW THOUGHTER, noun. A person with New Thought beliefs
NEW THOUGHTERS, noun. Plural of New Thoughter
NEW TOWN, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see new,‎ town.
NEW TOWN, noun. (British) A town built to address housing shortages post World War II.
NEW TOWNS, noun. Plural of new town
NEW UP, verb. (computing) (informal) (transitive) To create an object by calling its constructor.
NEW WAVE, noun. Any of several movements in music film which are or were considered cutting edge.
NEW WAVE, adjective. Representing the latest and most advanced style; trendy; faddish.
NEW WAVE, noun. (music genre) A pop and rock music genre that existed during the late 1970s and the early to mid-1980s, incorporating punk beats and synthesized sounds.
NEW WEIRD, noun. A literary genre that began in the 1990s, influenced by horror and speculative fiction, but often crossing genre boundaries.
NEW WEIRD AMERICA, noun. (music) A genre of modern dark psych folk influenced by Americana.
NEW WOMAN, noun. An educated, independent feminist of the late 19th century.
NEW WOMEN, noun. Plural of New Woman
NEW WORLD, proper noun. The continents North America and South America combined
NEW WORLD MONKEY, noun. The four families of primates that are found in Central America and South America: the Cebidae, Aotidae, Pitheciidae, and Atelidae.
NEW WORLD MONKEYS, noun. Plural of New World monkey
NEW WORLD ORDER, noun. A vision for the world in which greater peace and stability is achieved through a new political order.
NEW WORLD ORDER, noun. According to conspiracy theories, the planned rule of the world by a secret global elite.
NEW WORLD PORCUPINE, noun. Any of the large, arboreal, spiny-furred rodents of the family Erethizontidae, native to forests and wooded regions of North America and northern South America.
NEW WORLD PORCUPINES, noun. Plural of New World porcupine
NEW WORLD VULTURE, noun. Any of the large scavenging birds in the family Cathartidae.
NEW WORLDER, noun. An inhabitant of the New World or Americas
NEW WORLDERS, noun. Plural of New Worlder
NEW YAWK, proper noun. Eye dialect spelling of New York, representing English.
NEW YEAR, noun. The first few days of a calendar year.
NEW YEAR, noun. In particular, January 1 in the Julian and Gregorian calendar and the days following.
NEW YEAR, noun. Next year; the year following the current year, especially the early part of it.
NEW YEAR'S, proper noun. The holiday commemorating the New Year.
NEW YEAR'S DAY, noun. A holiday in many countries to welcome the New Year of the Gregorian calendar on January 1.
NEW YEAR'S EVE, proper noun. The holiday occurring on the last day of the year, December 31st.
NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION, noun. A vow one makes on New Year's Eve or New Year's Day for the coming year.
NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS, noun. Plural of New Year's resolution
NEW YEARS, noun. Plural of New Year
NEW YORK, proper noun. The largest city in New York State, a metropolis extending into neighboring New Jersey state
NEW YORK, proper noun. A state of the United States of America and former colony
NEW YORK, adjective. Of a style, particularly of food, originating in New York.
NEW YORK BAT, noun. (dated) The bat (Vespertilio noveboracensis, now Lasiurus borealis).
NEW YORK BREAKFAST, noun. (dated) (cliché) A "meal" at the start of the day, consisting of coffee and cigarettes (smoked, not eaten.)
NEW YORK CITY, proper noun. New York City is the largest city in the United States of America. It consists of five boroughs: Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. The city is situated on the Atlantic Coast at the mouth of the Hudson River in the northeastern state of New York.
NEW YORK CITY, proper noun. Manhattan.
NEW YORK FERN, noun. A fern of the species Thelypteris noveboracensis, native to eastern North America.
NEW YORK IRONWEED, noun. Vernonia noveboracensis, in the aster family, native to much of the eastern United States.
NEW YORK MINUTE, noun. An instant; a very short time.
NEW YORK MINUTES, noun. Plural of New York minute
NEW YORK RELOAD, noun. The act of drawing a second handgun when the first jams or runs out of ammunition, rather than reloading the first, in order to gain a speed advantage.
NEW YORK RELOADS, noun. Plural of New York reload
NEW YORK STATE, proper noun. The State of New York.
NEW YORKER, noun. A native or resident of New York City.
NEW YORKER, noun. A native or resident of the state of New York.
NEW YORKERS, noun. Plural of New Yorker
NEW YORKESE, proper noun. A dialect of English spoken in New York.
NEW YORKESE, noun. (rare) People, or one person, from New York.
NEW ZAÏRE, noun. A currency used in Zaïre between 1993 and 1998, only issued in banknote form and later replaced by the franc.
NEW ZEALAND, proper noun. A country in Oceania, to the east of Australia. Official name: New Zealand. Abbreviation: NZ or Aotearoa
NEW ZEALAND, proper noun. The islands of New Zealand, especially the North Island, South Island and nearby coastal islands.
NEW ZEALAND, proper noun. The Realm of New Zealand, including the Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau and the Ross Dependency.
NEW ZEALAND BELLBIRD, noun. Anthornis melanura, a greenish passerine bird endemic to New Zealand, with a distinctive bell-like song.
NEW ZEALAND BELLBIRDS, noun. Plural of New Zealand bellbird
NEW ZEALAND DOLLAR, noun. The official currency of New Zealand.
NEW ZEALAND DOLLARS, noun. Plural of New Zealand dollar
NEW ZEALAND ENGLISH, proper noun. The form of the English language used in New Zealand
NEW ZEALAND FALCON, noun. A species of falcon endemic to New Zealand, Falco novaeseelandiae.
NEW ZEALAND FLAX, noun. Plants native to New Zealand with fiber in the leaves which was formerly much used for rope and other purposes; Phormium tenax and Phormium colensoi or Phomium cookianum.
NEW ZEALAND PIGEON, noun. A large species of pigeon, Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae, native to New Zealand.
NEW ZEALAND PIGEONS, noun. Plural of New Zealand pigeon
NEW ZEALAND SCAUP, noun. A duck of the Anatinae subfamily endemic to New Zealand; Aythya novaeseelandiae.
NEW ZEALAND SPINACH, noun. A plant whose leaves are used as spinach-like greens, Tetragonia tetragonioides
NEW ZEALAND SPINACHES, noun. Plural of New Zealand spinach
NEW ZEALAND TEAL, noun. The brown teal
NEW ZEALANDER, noun. A person from New Zealand or of New Zealand descent.
NEW ZEALANDERS, noun. Plural of New Zealander
NEW ZEALANDISM, noun. The status or character of belonging to New Zealand.
NEW ZEALANDISM, noun. A word or phrase of New Zealand; one originating there, or only used there, or having special meaning there.
NEW ZEALANDISMS, noun. Plural of New Zealandism
NEW ZEALANDRESS, noun. (rare) A female New Zealander.
NEW ZILD, proper noun. Eye dialect spelling of New Zealand.

Dictionary definition

NEW, adverb. Very recently; "they are newly married"; "newly raised objections"; "a newly arranged hairdo"; "grass new washed by the rain"; "a freshly cleaned floor"; "we are fresh out of tomatoes".
NEW, adjective. Not of long duration; having just (or relatively recently) come into being or been made or acquired or discovered; "a new law"; "new cars"; "a new comet"; "a new friend"; "a new year"; "the New World".
NEW, adjective. Original and of a kind not seen before; "the computer produced a completely novel proof of a well-known theorem".
NEW, adjective. Lacking training or experience; "the new men were eager to fight"; "raw recruits".
NEW, adjective. Having no previous example or precedent or parallel; "a time of unexampled prosperity".
NEW, adjective. Other than the former one(s); different; "they now have a new leaders"; "my new car is four years old but has only 15,000 miles on it"; "ready to take a new direction".
NEW, adjective. Unaffected by use or exposure; "it looks like new".
NEW, adjective. (of a new kind or fashion) gratuitously new; "newfangled ideas"; "she buys all these new-fangled machines and never uses them".
NEW, adjective. In use after medieval times; "New Eqyptian was the language of the 18th to 21st dynasties".
NEW, adjective. Used of a living language; being the current stage in its development; "Modern English"; "New Hebrew is Israeli Hebrew".
NEW, adjective. (of crops) harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity; "new potatoes"; "young corn".
NEW, adjective. Unfamiliar; "new experiences"; "experiences new to him"; "errors of someone new to the job".

Wise words

Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite surprised to be taken at his word.
Charles de Gaulle